domestic market distortion

macroeconomic 748 02/07/2023 1044 Sophia

Introduction The market in China is subject to distortions, or to put it another way, it operates as an oligopoly rather than as a free and open market. This can make it difficult for firms to compete in the domestic market, leading to concerns about inefficient allocations of resources and misal......


The market in China is subject to distortions, or to put it another way, it operates as an oligopoly rather than as a free and open market. This can make it difficult for firms to compete in the domestic market, leading to concerns about inefficient allocations of resources and misallocation of wealth. This paper will examine the causes of these distortions, the implications for firms’ competition in the domestic market, and the role of government intervention in addressing such distortions.


There are several key factors that lead to market distortions in China. Firstly, the size of the market is concentrated in a few large firms who have become entrenched in the market and thus have been able to control prices and market access. Additionally, barriers to entry for new players have become so high, for example via the need for local government permissions, that potential competitors have found the market too difficult to access, leading to a lack of competition.

Furthermore, government intervention has further compounded distortions. Government subsidies and preferential policies have enabled certain firms to benefit from an artificial advantage in the market. This can be seen in state owned enterprises, which are given preferential access to land and capital and are able to set lower prices than their private sector counterparts. In addition, rampant corruption also leads to distorted pricing and market access, allowing certain firms to unfairly access resources.


Businesses operating in the Chinese domestic market can find it difficult to compete given the market distortions. Firms without the necessary connections and government privileges are often at a disadvantage given the competition and lack of resources available to them. This can lead to frustrated and inefficient businesses, who may choose not to operate in the domestic market.

Additionally, the misallocation of resources in the domestic market often leads to unequal distributions of wealth. This has been seen in the form of increased income inequality; those with access to resources and political connections often benefit disproportionately from the market. As a result, it can be difficult for those without such connections to improve their standard of living.

Government Intervention

In order to address the distortions in the domestic market, government intervention is needed. The government has taken several steps to try and reduce market distortions, for example by reducing barriers to market access, cracking down on corruption and unfair business practices, and using subsidies to level the playing field between state owned enterprises and private firms.

Additionally, increased transparency in the market is important in order to ensure that firms are playing by the same rules. This could be achieved by improving information sharing and anti-competitive behaviours, as well as implementing policies to ensure that state owned enterprises are not receiving preferential treatment at the expense of private sector firms.


In conclusion, distortions in the Chinese domestic market can have a detrimental impact on businesses operating in the market, leading to inefficiencies and unfair distributions of wealth. It is therefore important that the government intervenes in order to address these distortions, in order to ensure a fair and efficient market. Increased transparency, reduced barriers to entry, and crackdowns on corruption and unfair business practices are essential in order to level the playing field and ensure that everyone can participate fairly in the domestic market.

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macroeconomic 748 2023-07-02 1044 LuminousGlow

China is a rapidly developing country with an enormous domestic market for goods and services. The emergence of multiple manufacturers of the same items, together with fierce competition for the limited discretionary income of Chinese consumers, has resulted in a market that is extremely price sen......

China is a rapidly developing country with an enormous domestic market for goods and services. The emergence of multiple manufacturers of the same items, together with fierce competition for the limited discretionary income of Chinese consumers, has resulted in a market that is extremely price sensitive.

This price sensitivity has led to the emergence of an informal “gray market” in which certain goods are sold at unlicensed price points. These goods, sold outside of the official distribution channels set up by the manufacturers, are often sold at prices well below their suggested retail prices. While this informal market has had negative impacts on the profitability of certain product lines, it also has had positive effects on the overall economic health of China.

The fragmentation of the market has enabled a number of smaller companies to become competitive in the marketplace. This competition has helped to drive innovation and lower prices in the market. In addition, this disparity in pricing has significantly increased the availability of products to consumers; they no longer have to buy the most expensive products to receive the item they need.

Perhaps even more important, the existence of the gray market has increased the bargaining power of Chinese consumers in the market. Without the informal market, people would have a more difficult time finding lower prices for items. This can lead to wider demand across a much wider variety of products that were previously inaccessible for cost-related reasons.

Overall, the presence of the gray market in China has generally been a positive development for the Chinese economy and consumers alike. While it certainly has its drawbacks, it has helped to reduce costs, increase the availability of products, and give Chinese consumers a much-needed boost in bargaining power.

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