Positive feedback closed-loop management system theory

Theory of Positive and Negative Feedback Loop Management System Introduction Managing a system or process is not easy. Often times the end result is not exactly what the manager intended. In a complex system, multiple players or factors can affect the outcome. Managing a system effectively requi......

Theory of Positive and Negative Feedback Loop Management System


Managing a system or process is not easy. Often times the end result is not exactly what the manager intended. In a complex system, multiple players or factors can affect the outcome. Managing a system effectively requires an understanding of how each player influences the outcome. The feedback loop model is one such tool used to facilitate this understanding. It is especially useful in understanding how positive and negative feedback loops influence outcomes. This topic will examine the basics of the feedback loop model and discuss its use in management.

What Is a Feedback Loop?

A feedback loop is a model that illustrates the result of a system being affected by its own output.This loop model contains two main components: the reference path and the feedback path. The reference path is the connection between the output of the system and its input. The feedback path is the connection between the output of the system and the input of its output. A feedback loop is complete when the output affects the input, which in turn affects the output.

A feedback loop can be classified as either positive or negative. If a system’s output causes the input to increase or become more efficient, it is a positive feedback loop. The result is an amplifying rate of growth or development. Negative feedback loops occur when the output of the system causes the input to become less efficient or to even decrease. In this situation, the output is kept in check by the decreasing input.

Theory of Positive and Negative Feedback Loop Management System

Positive feedback management systems are systems where the output of the system is used to increase the input of the system. This is a system that benefits from its own success. For example, a company can directly or indirectly use sales or profits to increase its advertising budget, customer service resources, or product development inputs. This increases the performance of the system and leads to further success.

On the other hand, negative feedback management systems are systems that use the output of the system to decrease the input of the system. This type of system uses the output to decrease the input and prevent the system from overextending or performing too well. This could be used in a company to ensure that sales or profits are kept within set boundaries.

Benefits of Feedback Loop Management Systems

Feedback loop management systems have many benefits. They can help managers identify and address problems before they get out of hand. They also allow managers to make decisions with a better understanding of how their decisions will affect the entire system. In addition, they provide a more accurate picture of a system’s performance, as well as the necessary input to sustain that performance.


The feedback loop model is a useful tool in understanding how systems and processes work. It is especially useful in understanding how positive and negative feedback loops influence outcomes. The feedback loop model can be used to determine how an output affects an input and vice versa. Positive feedback loops lead to amplifying rates of growth or development, while negative feedback loops help keep a system from overextending or performing too well. Feedback loop management systems can help managers make better decisions and identify and address problems before they become too large.

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