selenium mineral

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Selenium Selenium is an essential trace element necessary for human health, and an important mineral in the global environment. Selenium is found naturally in soil, plants, and foods. It is a micronutrient, meaning it is only needed in very small amounts, and is an essential component of several ......


Selenium is an essential trace element necessary for human health, and an important mineral in the global environment. Selenium is found naturally in soil, plants, and foods. It is a micronutrient, meaning it is only needed in very small amounts, and is an essential component of several metabolic pathways, including detoxification and antioxidant processes, helping to reduce inflammation and mitigating oxidative stress, which can damage cellular components and tissues.

Selenium is found in a variety of foods, including nuts, sunflower seeds, legumes, fruits, vegetables, and cereals. The best dietary sources, however, are seafood and organ meats, such as liver and kidneys, as well as eggs and dairy products. Selenium is also found in some dietary supplements, such as multivitamins and mineral complexes.

Selenium is essential for proper immune system functioning, and for the production and maintenance of healthy cells. Selenium helps to regulate thyroid hormone synthesis, which impacts the cardiovascular and reproductive systems, as well as the metabolism and cognitive functioning. Selenium deficiency can lead to weakened immunity, fatigue, diminished mental clarity, and an increased risk of certain types of cancer.

Selenium is also important in the global environment, and is an essential component of the antioxidant system which helps to protect plants, animals and humans from the adverse effects of air pollutants and sunlight. Selenium helps to break down toxic compounds and keep them from entering the food chain. It also plays an important role in the photosynthesis cycle in certain types of aquatic plants.

Selenium has been studied extensively in order to determine its potential health benefits. Increasing dietary intake of Selenium may have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antioxidative and anti-cancer properties, as well as being beneficial for reproductive health. Higher intakes of Selenium may lead to an increased resistance to certain cancers and viruses, and may also help protect against chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, epilepsy, schizophrenia, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Selenium is generally considered to be safe in humans, and the tolerable upper intake levels set by the United States Institute of Medicine is 400 micrograms per day for adults. Over-consuming the mineral can lead to toxicity and increase the risk of certain illnesses. If a person experiences selenium toxicity, they should immediately reduce their intake to prevent further health risks.

In conclusion, Selenium is an essential trace element necessary for human health, and an important mineral in the global environment. Selenium helps to protect us from the adverse effects of air pollution and sunlight, and is necessary for proper immune system functioning and the production and maintenance of healthy cells. Increasing dietary intake of Selenium may have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antioxidative and anti-cancer properties, and may also help protect against chronic diseases. Overall, Selenium is a important mineral that should be included in healthy diets.

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