Classification of heavy oil and influence of moisture in heavy oil on energy saving of heating furnace

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Heavy Fuel Classification and the Impact of Water on Heavy Fuel Efficiency in Boilers Introduction In today’s energy-efficient world, it is important that companies and industries recognize the importance of using heavy fuel in boilers to reduce their environmental impact. This type of fuel ha......

Heavy Fuel Classification and the Impact of Water on Heavy Fuel Efficiency in Boilers


In today’s energy-efficient world, it is important that companies and industries recognize the importance of using heavy fuel in boilers to reduce their environmental impact. This type of fuel has a higher energy density and gives off more heat per unit than traditional fuels. In addition, heavy fuel requires less maintenance and is less prone to combustion problems. However, it is important to consider the type and quality of heavy fuel used in boilers, since the improper selection of fuel can lead to fuel-inefficiency and damage to the boiler. This paper will examine the different types of heavy fuel used in boilers and their impacts on efficiency, as well as the effect of water on heavy fuel efficiency in boilers.

Types of Heavy Fuel

Heavy fuel is produced through the refining of petroleum and can be divided into four categories based on the degree of refining. These are: residual oil (also known as fuel oil no. 6 or bunker-C), distillate oil (also known as fuel oil no. 2), marine gas oil, and bitumen/asphalt. Residual oil is the most common fuel used in boilers, as it is a relatively inexpensive fuel that is widely available. This type of fuel gives off a high amount of heat and can be used in many boiler applications. However, residual oil is more difficult to light and requires a longer burn-in period. Distillate oil, in comparison, is a clearer, lighter and more efficient fuel, although it is slightly more expensive than residual oil. In addition, while distillate oil is often used in gasoline and diesel engines, it can also be used in boilers, and is often the fuel of choice for industrial and commercial boilers. Marine gas oil is less commonly used for boiler applications, as it has a much higher energy content but is often more expensive. Finally, bitumen or asphalt, which has been used for centuries in Europe, is still used in some parts of the world as a boiler fuel. Bitumen is a very dirty fuel, however, and produces a significant amount of smoke and pollutants.

Impact on Efficiency

The type of fuel used in a boiler can have a significant impact on its efficiency and environmental impact. Residual oil, for example, produces more heat per unit than distillate oil, while distillate oil is more efficient and produces fewer pollutants. In addition, the burning of distillate oil can be more difficult and requires a longer burn-in period. This is due to the higher sulfur content of residual oil, which creates more smoke and pollutant emissions. Bitumen, on the other hand, is the least efficient of the four types, as it produces a considerable amount of smoke and pollutants.

Water and Heavy Fuel Efficiency

The amount of water in heavy fuel can have a significant impact on boiler efficiency. When water is present in heavy fuel, it decreases the efficiency of the boiler as it increases the likelihood of fuel-sludge formation and deposits in the boiler. This can limit the flow of fuel, causing incomplete combustion and reducing boiler efficiency. In addition, when heavy fuel has more than 0.5% water, the boiling point of the fuel is lowered, meaning it will require more energy to be heated to the boiling point. This affects the efficiency of the boiler, as more energy is needed to heat the fuel, which can lead to higher fuel costs.


Heavy fuel is an important resource for achieving energy efficiency in boilers. While different types of heavy fuel may have varying impacts on efficiency, it is important to consider the type of fuel and the amount of water it contains in order to optimize boiler efficiency. By properly selecting and monitoring the fuel used in boilers, companies and industries can reduce their environmental impact and save money by reducing fuel costs.

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