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theoretical calculation 740 16/06/2023 1074 Hannah

Today is a great day because I just finished my 2500 word English paper. It was a big challenge, taking me over 12 hours complete. However, I am determined to do the best I can and get the best grades I deserve. When I first started the paper, I was unsure of what topics I should cover or how to ......

Today is a great day because I just finished my 2500 word English paper. It was a big challenge, taking me over 12 hours complete. However, I am determined to do the best I can and get the best grades I deserve.

When I first started the paper, I was unsure of what topics I should cover or how to start. I searched the internet for some guidance, but I couldnt find anything that suited my need. Therefore, I decided to use my past experiences and knowledge to write the paper. Although it was hard, I did my best to write the paper in the most organized and articulate manner.

One of the more challenging parts of the paper was finding the sources and references. I looked up books from my school library and online databases to pull out useful information and data. After two hours of searching, I was able to come up with enough information to support my ideas.

When writing the paper, it was important for me to stay focused on the task at hand. I also made sure to double check facts and figures to ensure there were no errors. I want my paper to be as professional and error-free as possible. As I did not want to miss any important details, I also read the essay several times to spot any grammar and spelling mistakes.

Finally, after all the hard work, I am done with my 2500 word English paper. Although I was tired and I wanted to give up many times, I persevered and finished it. With the knowledge, determination and the proper resources, I am proud that I was able to complete the paper. I had a great experience and I will use this experience for the future.

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theoretical calculation 740 2023-06-16 1074 AuroraDream

Global warming is one of the most pressing global issues to face humanity today. It is concerned with the heating up of the Earth’s atmosphere due to the excess emissions of carbon dioxide. This intricate problem brings forth another complex issue — how to stop releasing such emissions and try t......

Global warming is one of the most pressing global issues to face humanity today. It is concerned with the heating up of the Earth’s atmosphere due to the excess emissions of carbon dioxide. This intricate problem brings forth another complex issue — how to stop releasing such emissions and try to reduce the amount already present in the atmosphere. One way to tackle this issue is to switch over to renewable sources of energy. These include wind power, hydropower and solar energy among many others.

Using renewable sources of energy can help to eliminate or reduce the emission of carbon dioxide from fossil fuel-fired power plants. Another way to reduce the amount of global warming is to switch over to more efficient vehicles, like electric cars or hybrid vehicles that use a combination of gasoline and electric power. Another way is to improve the efficiency of old buildings and make them more energy efficient. Insulating the walls, using efficient lighting and other energy saving measures can also be employed.

One of the steps taken in the recent past to reduce global warming is the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol by a large number of countries worldwide. This international treaty sets limitations on the green house gas emission of its signatories. Aside from this international effort, many nations are making their own commitments to reducing emissions, by introducing renewable energy portfolio standards which require that certain percentage of their electricity production should come from renewable sources.

In conclusion, global warming is one of the biggest global issues to be faced today and efforts need to be taken in order to reduce the harmful emissions that are contributing to its rise. This can be done by investing in renewable sources of energy, improving energy efficiency of buildings and or vehicles and adhering to international treaties, such as the Kyoto Protocol.

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