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Finance and Economics
Cost collection
? Cost consolidation is a practice that many companies have adopted in recent years, as a way to minimize overhead costs and maximize profits. It involves combining multiple types of costs, such as labor, materials, marketing, and distribution, in order to reduce their total cost. Companies can ac......
tags: can companies their cost can collection
financial check
Finance Check The purpose of a finance check is to ensure the fiscal health of a business or organization. A finance check can examine the financial records, operations, and processes of the business. It involves evaluating the financial statements of the organization and comparing them to indust......
tags: organization check financial financial statements auditor
impoverished growth
Poverty-Induce Growth Since the development of the global economy has been underway, there has been a corresponding rise in poverty. This is evidenced by figures from such organizations as the World Bank, which speaks to the necessity of poverty-induced growth as an effective method of tackling t......
tags: growth povertyinduced poverty economic poverty growth
corporate bond rate
Corporate Bond Interest Rate Corporate bonds are debt securities that are issued by corporations. When companies need to raise capital or finance a large project, they may choose to issue bonds. By purchasing these bonds, investors are loaning money to the corporation for a predetermined amount ......
tags: rate interest investors rate company interest
marginal cost method
Marginal Costing Marginal Costing is a form of cost accounting that traces all fixed costs to be sunk until the end of the year and then these costs are accounted for all at once. This means that for any short-term decisions, all fixed costs involved in the process are not taken into account and ......
tags: costs product marginal cost marginal firm
two factor analysis
Principal component analysis (PCA) is a type of factor analysis used to transform a set of correlated variables into a set of uncorrelated variables known as principal components (PCs). PCA is typically used to reduce the dimensionality of a large set of variables while retaining as much of the in......
tags: data used pca variables can twofactor
new growth theory
Introduction The theory of exponential growth is an economic concept which states that an economy can experience a period of sustainable growth if the rate of capital accumulation (i.e. investment) outpaces the rate of population growth. This concept has been popularized by economists in the las......
tags: growth economic theory economic growth theory
bill retention
Invoice Interception Invoice Interception, also referred to as invoice tampering, is the practice of companies fraudulently changing details on accounts. This includes the amounts charged and when payments are due. The aim of Invoice Interception is to get money from the unsuspecting victims fast......
tags: invoice interception companies bill interception payment
linked exchange rate system
Exchange Rate Regime One of the most important determinants of a nation’s economic success is its exchange rate regime. An exchange rate system is the policy employed by any given country to regulate the value of its currency against foreign currencies. Exchange rate systems are among the most v......
tags: exchange rate economic exchange rate systems
IMF compensation and emergency loans
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has played an increasingly important role in the delivery of international financial assistance to crisis countries on an emergency basis. The ability of the Fund to respond rapidly to crisis situations is a reflection of its ability to draw on a comprehensive......
tags: emergency fund financial economic countries imf
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