Satisfaction of requirements and assurance requirements for roll cooling water in bar production

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Requirements for cooling water in Rebar Production The manufacture of rebars, also known as steel bars or rods, require it to undergo a number of processes to successfully produce a quality product. This includes pickling, drawing, hot rolling and annealing. During the hot rolling process, hot re......

Requirements for cooling water in Rebar Production

The manufacture of rebars, also known as steel bars or rods, require it to undergo a number of processes to successfully produce a quality product. This includes pickling, drawing, hot rolling and annealing. During the hot rolling process, hot rebars are guided through cylindrical rolls, known as calender rolls, to produce the desired shape and dimensions. As these rolls operate at high speeds, they require a relentless supply of cooling water to prevent them from becoming too hot and damaging the product being processed. The temperatures, pressures and flows of the water must be strictly controlled in order to ensure the safety and quality of the rebars and other materials being processed.

In order to achieve the desired product quality, cooling water for the calender rolls needs to be of a high quality. This means that the water should not contain any particles or impurities, as these could potentially cause damage to the rebars during the rolling process. The water should also be free from any bacteria or other organisms, as this could cause blockages and corrosion. In addition, it is important that any deposits created by the hot rolling process are dispersed, as these can cause damage to the structure of the rolls.

The water needs to be supplied at a high pressure and temperature, to ensure that it is capable of cooling the rolls effectively. Generally, the water is provided at a temperature of around 30 to 60 °C, although this can be adjusted depending on the desired operating temperature of the rolls. It is also important that the supply of water is consistent and uninterrupted during the rolling process, as any sudden drops in pressure could cause irreparable damage to the rolls and the product being processed.

The water must be treated to ensure it does not contain any harmful materials that could cause damage to the rolls or product. Generally, this involves removing dissolved solids and other impurities from the water through a process of filtration and sedimentation. It may also involve the addition of chemicals and compounds, such as chlorine, to ensure that it is free from bacteria and other organisms.

In order to ensure the quality of the finished product, it is important to select the right type of cooling water for the rolls. This can include speciality cooling oils or proprietary water based coolants. It is also important to ensure that cooling water is changed on a regular basis, so that any bacteria or other contaminants are removed and the desired quality of product is achieved.

In conclusion, cooling water is an essential factor in the manufacture of rebars. It is important to ensure that the water is of a high quality and that it is treated, filtered and replaced on a regular basis. It is also important that the pressure, temperature and flow of the water are controlled according to the processes being carried out. Doing so will help to ensure the safety and quality of the rebars being manufactured.

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