swiss national bank

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Introduction The Swiss National Bank (SNB) is the central bank of Switzerland. Established in 1907, it is one of the oldest central banks in the world. Located in Bern, the capital of Switzerland, the SNB is responsible for the monetary and financial stability of Switzerland. It does this by sett......


The Swiss National Bank (SNB) is the central bank of Switzerland. Established in 1907, it is one of the oldest central banks in the world. Located in Bern, the capital of Switzerland, the SNB is responsible for the monetary and financial stability of Switzerland. It does this by setting monetary policy, issuing and managing the national currency, the Swiss franc, and supervising and regulating the nations banking system. The SNB is Switzerlands main source of money and credit and it plays an important role in the countrys economic growth.

SNB Activities

The SNB undertakes a range of activities in order to meet its mission of promoting Swiss economic stability. These include maintaining the stability of the Swiss franc, monitoring the Swiss financial system and regulating the banking industry. The SNB also manages the nations foreign currency reserves, issues the Swiss franc and directs the nations monetary policy.

Monetary Policy

The SNB sets the nations monetary policy. This involves setting the target interest rate that banks must apply to provide credit and loans to businesses and individuals. The SNB also sets reserve requirements which dictate the amount of money that Swiss banks must hold as reserve funds. By setting these monetary target rates, the SNB helps to ensure that Switzerlands economy is stable and that inflation is kept in check.

Regulation of the Banking Industry

In order to maintain financial stability, the SNB supervises and regulates the banking industry. This includes setting the rules that Swiss banks must follow in order to operate in the country. It also includes setting capital requirements, liquidity requirements and limits on credit growth. The SNB also monitors the banking sector in order to identify risks and ensure that banks are complying with regulations.

Currency Management

The SNB is responsible for the management of the Swiss franc, which is the official currency of Switzerland. This includes managing the circulation of the currency and ensuring that it remains stable. The SNB also sets the exchange rate of the franc against other foreign currencies. By doing this, the SNB helps to keep prices stable and prevent currency speculation.


The Swiss National Bank plays an important role in promoting economic stability in Switzerland. It does this by setting the nations monetary policy, regulating the banking sector, managing the Swiss franc and overseeing the nations foreign currency reserves. Through its activities, the SNB helps to ensure that Switzerlands economy remains healthy and stable.

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