Length, curvature and weight of cold-rolled ribbed steel bars (GB 13788-2000)

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Cold Rolled Ribbed Steel Bars Length, Bending and Weight Cold rolled ribbed steel bars are commonly used for reinforcing concrete structures. They are specifically designed for ideal stress and sustainable performance. The requirements for the length, bending and weight of these pieces become inc......

Cold Rolled Ribbed Steel Bars Length, Bending and Weight

Cold rolled ribbed steel bars are commonly used for reinforcing concrete structures. They are specifically designed for ideal stress and sustainable performance. The requirements for the length, bending and weight of these pieces become increasingly important for the reinforcement designs used in construction. To ensure the well built structure, these pieces must not only be correctly shaped, but also meet the length, bending and weight requirements as specified in the standardization of the design practice: GB 13788-2000.

Length: Cold rolled ribbed steel bars are usually cut in uniform length and the range of the length required in the GB 13788-2000 is 8-14 meters. During fabrication, the cutting process should be strictly monitored and irregularities in lengths must be excluded. Should some irregularities happen, the effects on the construction project should be studied and properly addressed.

Bending: The GB 13788-2000 requires that the cold rolled ribbed steel bars be bent in a certain shape and the radius of the curvature should always large than the bar diameter. To ensure this requirement, a steel bar bending machine must be used. The machine should be periodically checked for accuracy and components should be replaced if necessary. Failing to do so may result in inadequate or even invalid bending performance of the steel bar.

Weight: The weight and dimensions of the cold rolled ribbed steel bars should also be taken into consideration. The standard stipulates that the weight should range from 7.5 kg to 81 kg and the average weight should be 0.2 kg/m. During the production, all the steel bars should be weighed, and if detected that the weight is not within the Range, then the steel bar should be promptly removed or discarded.

In addition to the length, bending and weight requirements, other specifications pertaining to the cold rolled ribbed steel bars must also be observed, such as surface inspection, flaw detection, and tensile test. By strictly following the standard, the durability and integrity of the reinforcement design can be guaranteed, thus ensuring a strong and reliable structure.

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