"Chinese-English Dictionary" mechanical vocabulary (10)

Glossary 378 1045 Sophia

Automation Automation, the application of machines to tasks once performed by humans or, increasingly, to tasks that would otherwise be impossible. Automation has had a profound effect on the workforce of many nations, reducing the need for human labour in production and also changing the nature ......


Automation, the application of machines to tasks once performed by humans or, increasingly, to tasks that would otherwise be impossible. Automation has had a profound effect on the workforce of many nations, reducing the need for human labour in production and also changing the nature of manufactoring from craft-based industries to assembly-line production. Modern automation combines the power of computer systems, robotics and other forms of technology for faster, more accurate work.


Robotics is the scientific design and programming of robots, machines that can perform complex tasks within a given environment. Robots are typically used in the context of industrial automation, typically in manufacturing plants, to carry out automated tasks with greater speed, consistency and accuracy than manual labor. They are also commonly used in hazardous environments and in situations where the cost of human labor would be excessive.


Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) are computers designed to operate in conditions of hazard, offering safety features and increased reliability compared with traditional types of control. PLCs are typically used in industrial automation, allowing applications such as process control, motion control, machine control and data acquisition to be implemented. This technology is often used for critical tasks, such as data logging, fan speed and temperature control, motor segmentation and pressure control.


Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, SCADA, is a type of automation system commonly used to monitor and control processes and equipment, typically in industrial and manufacturing environments. Examples of SCADA systems include energy data monitoring, industrial instrumentation, process monitoring and control, and wastewater treatment. In addition to monitoring and controlling industrial processes, SCADA systems also provide operators with real-time data that can be used to make decisions and take corrective action.

Motion Control

Motion control is the technology of controlling the velocity, position and/or acceleration of parts and machinery, typically through the use of stepper motors, servo motors, actuators and controllers. Motion control systems are widely used in robotics, automation and industrial settings, allowing machines and processes to run with the precision and accuracy needed for mass production.

Vision System

Vision systems are used in many automated processes, allowing machines to perceive their environment and carry out tasks based on what they see. Examples of vision systems include robot pick-and-place systems, analysis of product quality, characterization of objects, and automated assembly line inspection. Vision systems combine technologies such as video cameras and projection devices, with sophisticated software that can process visual information and provide feedback.


Simulation is the process of abstracting certain behaviors of an existing system or process, and replicating these behaviors within a virtual environment. Simulation is widely used in automation, allowing virtual replication of processes such as line design and management, factory automation, process optimization, robotics and robotics. Simulation makes it possible to test and refine various scenarios before implementing them in the real world.

Machine Learning

Machine learning is the technology of inducing a program to learn from data without being explicitly programmed, allowing it to recognize patterns and make decisions. Such programs are a key component of automation, allowing predictions to be made and allowing machines to carry out complex tasks. Examples of machine learning technologies include autonomous vehicles, facial recognition and natural language processing.

Industrial Internet of Things

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is an evolving technology that connects physical and digital systems and devices, allowing data to be exchanged between machines and software and providing unprecedented control over operations. IIoT is increasingly being used in automation applications, allowing machines to be monitored and controlled remotely, simplifying operations and maintenance.


Computer-aided Design and Computer-aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) are software systems used for designing and manufacturing products, typically in the context of automation. CAD/CAM systems allow automated design and manufacture of components and systems, increasing production speed, accuracy and economy. Such systems are commonly used in automotive and aerospace industries, for example for controlling automated paint gun robots and unskilled robotic welders.

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