Requirements for bottom gas supply components and structural characteristics of gas supply components in re-blown converters

In a converter furnace, the bottom supplying elements play a crucial role in the smelting process, providing a regulated supply of gases and other process material to the furnace as it is stepped up in temperature. This regulated supply ensures that any slag created in the process is eliminated fr......

In a converter furnace, the bottom supplying elements play a crucial role in the smelting process, providing a regulated supply of gases and other process material to the furnace as it is stepped up in temperature. This regulated supply ensures that any slag created in the process is eliminated from the furnace before reaching the refractory lining. The bottom supplying elements also provide the necessary energy for both raising the materials temperature and for helping reduce its oxygen content for more efficient smelting.

The bottom supplying elements used in a converter furnace are typically composed of a number of different components. At the most basic level, each element consists of a chamber and one or more delivery tubes which supply the furnace with the process material. This chamber and delivery tubes are generally made from steel, but can also be constructed from other metals as well. The shape of the chamber and size of the delivery tubes will determine the volume and flow rate at which the material is fed into the furnace, with larger furnaces able to accommodate larger volumes.

The bottom supplying elements also include the ports which regulate the amount of the material that is fed into the furnace. The ports are typically controlled by an external valve or lever, allowing the operator to adjust the flow rate. The ports can also be fitted with sensors to monitor the temperature and gas concentration inside the furnace, ensuring that the right amount of material is being sent in at the appropriate time.

Finally, the elements contain a number of baffles which help to prevent the material from being dispersed too quickly, meaning that more of it reaches the furnace in the correct temperature and composition. The baffles also act as a disturbance shield, helping to reduce noise from the furnace, which is important for safety reasons.

In summary, the bottom supplying elements in a converter furnace are an essential part of the process, allowing for the reliable and efficient transfer of process material from the chamber to the furnace. They are composed of both delivery tubes and ports, as well as baffles that help to regulate the flow rate and temperature of the material. Through their use, the elements allow for the efficient and safe smelting of materials inside the converter furnace.

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