Hot blast furnace high alumina brick

Refractories 554 1067 Avery

Calcined Alumina Brick Calcined alumina brick is a kind of refractory material, made of alumina and other materials as the basic material, formed by pressing and burning. It is widely used in high-temperature kiln of industrial production, and its properties are the most important factor affectin......

Calcined Alumina Brick

Calcined alumina brick is a kind of refractory material, made of alumina and other materials as the basic material, formed by pressing and burning. It is widely used in high-temperature kiln of industrial production, and its properties are the most important factor affecting the safe operation of the kiln.

Calcined alumina brick is mainly composed of alpha alumina and mullite, with a small amount of corundum and other components, commonly known as high alumina brick. High alumina brick is divided into two types: ordinary type and heat-resistant type. As a heat-resistant material, high-alumina brick has excellent chemical and thermal stability, wear resistance, low thermal conductivity and other properties, and can meet various working conditions.

Calcined alumina brick has good abrasion resistance and its wear resistance is generally 5-10 times higher than that of ordinary refractory bricks. It has strong chemical stability, not only strong alkali resistance, but also good hydrochloric acid and acetic acid resistance. It can also be used in high temperature oxidation atmosphere and reduce atmosphere with high thermal strength.

Calcined alumina brick has low thermal conductivity and high thermal shock resistance, so it can be used in high temperature kiln with large temperature difference. It is an ideal material for industrial kiln. Compared with other refractory materials with the same temperature, it has a longer service life and less damage.

In addition, the high alumina brick has strong resistance to alkali and acidic erosion and the ability to maintain its structure and properties even in a harsh environment, which is why it is widely used in modern industry.

Calcined alumina brick is mainly used in metallurgical industry. Generally, it is used in the cooling chamber, combustion chamber and other parts of the furnace, or in the bottom or wall of the furnace. Its high temperature performance, as well as its superior corrosion resistance, make it an ideal material for industrial kilns.

High-alumina brick is mainly used in metallurgical industry, steel smelting, chemical industry and electric power industry. It is widely used in industrial kilns and other places because of its superior wear resistance and high temperature property. High-alumina brick is the best choice for refractory lining of industrial kiln. It has many advantages, and its excellent performance can ensure the normal operation of the kiln.

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