Co-existing job salary

Introduction The concept of combined wage and job roles has been around since the 1970s. The term refers to the practice of combining a salary or wage with a job role to give the employee a higher income. This type of structure can be used in many different types of employment and has become popu......


The concept of combined wage and job roles has been around since the 1970s. The term refers to the practice of combining a salary or wage with a job role to give the employee a higher income. This type of structure can be used in many different types of employment and has become popular in recent years due to the changes in the labour market and the increased availability of information.

Types of Combined Wage and Job Roles

There are several different types of combined wage and job roles, and the type of structure varies depending on the country or region. The most common type is known as a “salaried role”. This type of structure is based on a fixed income and is usually paid with a regular salary. A salaried role typically offers benefits such as a company car, health insurance, and pension contributions.

Other types of combined wage and job roles include the “variable salary”. This is when an employee’s income is determined by an agreed upon formula based on sales or other factors. This type of structure often offers a higher salary than traditional roles. The final type of structure, the “combination” role, combines both a fixed income and a variable component. Employees in this type of role are typically responsible for both sales and other administrative duties.

Benefits of Combined Wage and Job Roles

Combined wage and job roles have many benefits for both the employer and the employee. Employers can benefit from increased cost savings and flexibility in hiring and managing staff. Employees may benefit from a higher income, as well as reduced overhead costs and greater job satisfaction. Additionally, this type of structure allows employers to tailor the job to the individual’s skills and abilities, allowing them to offer different levels of compensation based on performance.

The flexibility of this type of structure also allows employers to adjust wages based on market conditions or changes in the industry. This makes it easier for businesses to cost-effectively manage their workforce, as well as to provide more job stability and increased job security.


Combined wage and job roles offer many benefits for employers and employees alike. This type of structure allows employers to tailor their job roles to the individual’s skills and abilities while providing greater cost savings and flexibility. The structure also allows employees to earn a higher salary, as well as improved job stability and security. By considering these benefits, both employers and employees can benefit from this type of employment structure.

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