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Introduction The Condorcet voting system, or Condorcet Method, was developed in the late 18th century by the French nobleman and mathematician Marquis de Condorcet. It is a voting system used to determine a single winner from a set of alternatives, based on preferences or rankings given by voters......


The Condorcet voting system, or Condorcet Method, was developed in the late 18th century by the French nobleman and mathematician Marquis de Condorcet. It is a voting system used to determine a single winner from a set of alternatives, based on preferences or rankings given by voters. Condorcet voting may be seen as an extension of majority voting. In order to overcome the possibility that a majority of voters will select an alternative which is not preferred to all other alternatives, it is necessary to take into account the relative rankings given by voters.

The Condorcet Method involves the calculation of a summary statistic known as the Condorcet score. The Condorcet score reflects the relative preference given by each voter in the form of rankings. It is calculated as the sum of the number of times a given alternative is ranked in a superior position compared to the other alternatives (i.e. first, second, etc.). The Condorcet score is used to determine the preferred alternative and is calculated for each available alternative. The alternative with the highest Condorcet score is the winner.

In cases where the Condorcet score is equal for two or more alternatives, there is what is known as a ‘Condorcet paradox’, meaning there is no clear way to determine which alternative is the preferred one. This can be addressed in a number of ways, such as through the implementation of additional rules or a ‘tie-breaking procedure’, such as the Borda count, or by introducing an additional layer of preferential voting. An additional method which has been used to avoid the Condorcet paradox is the ‘Abstention Paragraph’, which allows the voter to abstain from voting and thereby reducing the number of alternatives in the list.

In the case of multi-candidate elections, it is also possible to use the Condorcet Method to determine the winner. This is done by determining the ‘order of victory’ of each candidate. The order of victory is the sequence of preferences given by the voters. The candidate who appears at the top of the most number of voting orders is the Condorcet winner.

For instance, in a three-candidate election in which the voters prefer A to B, B to C, and C to A, then A is the Condorcet winner. In such a system, the other two candidates may be eliminated and the candidate with the highest number of votes, A, is the winner. This method of determining the winner is known as the ‘multi-candidate Condorcet voting system’.

The Condorcet Method has been used in many political elections, both in the past and in the present. For example, the French presidential election of 1848 was the first election in the world to use the Condorcet Method as the method of determining the winner. In the United States, the system has been used in several elections, including the presidential primaries in Maine, Utah and Nebraska.


The Condorcet Method is a voting system that is used to determine a single winner from a group of available alternatives, based on preferences or rankings given by voters. It is a form of majority voting in which the Condorcet score is used to determine the preferred alternative. The Condorcet score is calculated based on the relative rankings given by each voter to the available alternatives. The alternative with the highest Condorcet score is the winner. In cases where the Condorcet score is equal for two or more alternatives, there are a number of procedural options which may be implemented in order to break the tie, such as using a tie-breaking procedure or introducing an additional layer of voting. In multi-candidate elections, the order of victory is used to determine the winner using the Condorcet Method. The Condorcet Method has been used in many political elections, both in the past and in the present.

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