Converter Steelmaking Endpoint Control

steel making 515 1111 Mason

Introduction Ladle refining furnace is an indispensable part of the steelmaking process. It is used to control the chemical composition of the steel, to treat the inclusion of the steel and to adjust the temperature. In order to ensure the quality of steel, the control of ladle refining furnace n......


Ladle refining furnace is an indispensable part of the steelmaking process. It is used to control the chemical composition of the steel, to treat the inclusion of the steel and to adjust the temperature. In order to ensure the quality of steel, the control of ladle refining furnace needs to be automated. In this paper, the end control technology of ladle refining furnace is studied and applied to facilitate the realization of automation of ladle refining furnace.


Ladle refining furnace technology refers to the plastic casting zone and the low-alloy steel zone are composed of four zones, that is, melting zone, refining zone, stirring zone and cooling zone. The plastic zone is mainly used for the production of plastic products, the heating temperature is about 1450 ℃ ~ 1650 °C, and the holding time is about 15s ~ 25s. Low alloy steel zone is mainly used for low alloy steel production, the heating temperature is about 1600 ℃ ~ 1850 °C, the holding time is about 15s ~ 25s. The function of ladle refining furnace is to adjust the chemical composition and temperature of steel. In order to meet the requirements of the production process, the control technology of the furnace is the key.

Application of the Endloil Furnace Control Technology

Endlool furnace control technology is widely used in the intelligent control system of ladle refining furnace. In the automatic control system of ladle refining furnace, the end control technology is advanced, which can not only realize the end point control of the ladle refining furnace, but also ensure the quality of steel.

The application of the end control technology mainly includes the following aspects:

1. Control the temperature of the ladle refining furnace: The temperature of the ladle refining furnace can be accurately controlled within the range of 1450℃ to 1850℃ by using the end control technology.

2. Control the power of the bath: The power of the ladle refining furnace can be accurately controlled within the range of 30kW to 50kW by using the end control technology, which can ensure the quality of steel.

3. Stirring control: The stirring frequency of the bath can be accurately controlled within the range of 2HZ to 5HZ by using the end control technology, which can ensure the uniformity of the steel.


It can be seen from the above that the end control technology of the ladle refining furnace has great significance for the realization of the automation of the ladle refining furnace. The end control technology can accurately control the temperature, power and stirring of the ladle refining furnace, which can not only ensure the quality of steel production, but also reduce the production cost. Therefore, the application of the end control technology of the ladle refining furnace should be encouraged.

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