Characteristics of Alloy Steel Pickling

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Characteristics of Alloy Steel Pickling Alloy steel pickling is a common method of surface treatment of metals in industrial and chemical processing. Pickling is a metal surface treatment process that removes particles of normal oxide on the surface of metal parts and improves the performance of ......

Characteristics of Alloy Steel Pickling

Alloy steel pickling is a common method of surface treatment of metals in industrial and chemical processing. Pickling is a metal surface treatment process that removes particles of normal oxide on the surface of metal parts and improves the performance of the part. It is mainly used to improve the surface parameters of parts.

Alloy steel pickling is a chemical treatment technology for metal surface treatment. Simply put, pickling is a metal surface treatment technology which removes rust, oxide, scale and dirt from the surface of metal parts by chemical reaction and improvement. It can improve the service life and performance of metal parts and make metal parts reach their ideal use condition. The pickling process is an essential surface treatment process for alloy steel products, including heating, descaling and rust removal.

The pickling process is characterized by the use of special pickling liquids for metal surface treatment, so as to form a protective film or passivation film with certain corrosion resistance on the surface of the workpiece. In order to achieve the purpose of rust prevention and tempering, the ratio of mixed acid and nitric acid should be strictly controlled in the process of acid pickling of alloy steel, and the pH value must also be strictly controlled.

The factors of pickling to the performance of alloy steel are mainly related to the requirements of post-treatment processes and the corrosion resistance of the surface. The advantage of pickling is an effective way to remove rust and surface dirt without changing the chemical composition of the surface. In addition, pickling can also make the surface produce a certain degree of passivation, which not only improves the release performance of the surface but also enhances the corrosion resistance of the surface.

The main purpose of pickling is to remove both oils, coolants and organic residues on the surface of alloy steel, as well as impurities such as rust and scale. Although pickling of alloy steel does not change the chemical composition of the surface, it can improve the surface roughness and remove impurities such as oil, rust, etc., which is beneficial to the cutting of the parts in the next step and the welding of the joints. Pickling can reduce cutting force, reduce energy consumption and improve cutting accuracy. In electroplating, pickling is an essential surface treatment process which needs to be adopted before electroplating, so as to improve the surface cleaning.

The pickling process of alloy steel can also increase the adhesion and improve the coating quality. By using acid pickling of alloy steel, the base surface is removed and the surface of the workpiece is activated, which is beneficial to the adhesion of the subsequent coating. As pickling can remove the corrosion layer and oxidation layer on the surface of the components, the adhesion and corrosion resistance of the coating can be improved. Pickling can also improve the electrical performance and chemical properties of the surface.

In summary, alloy steel pickling is an essential surface treatment process which can not only reduce cutting force and energy consumption, improve cutting accuracy, but also increase adhesion and improve coating quality. Pickling can also improve the electrical performance and chemical properties of the surface, which is important for ensuring product quality.

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