Current domestic slag blocking methods and their characteristics

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Silt Arrestors in China Introduction Silt Arrestors are an important piece of technology in order to protect the environment against erosion and sedimentation. As the population of China has grown and consequently the strain on natural resources has increased, there is an ever-increasing need t......

Silt Arrestors in China


Silt Arrestors are an important piece of technology in order to protect the environment against erosion and sedimentation. As the population of China has grown and consequently the strain on natural resources has increased, there is an ever-increasing need to protect the environment of the country. In this article, we aim to discuss the different methods of silt arrester used in China and highlight their features.

Types of Silt Arrestors

There are two main types of silt arrestors used in China – piston-type and baffle-type. The Piston-type silt arrester consists of a box with a piston lid, which can be opened to release the sediment within. These are usually used in culverts or in rivers and streams to enable sediment to be flushed away from the surface water. Baffle-type silt arrestors consist of a chamber with a number of baffles installed in the side walls. This type of silt arrester works by allowing the water to pass through the baffles, slowing its flow and thus reducing the amount of sediment it carries.

Features of Silt Arrestors

Silt Arrestors have a number of features which make them beneficial for the environment. These features include high sediment retention capacity, low power consumption, minimal maintenance requirement and the ability to be constructed in a wide range of sizes and shapes. Additionally, they are also cost-effective, as they require minimal construction and materials.

Piston-type silt arrestors are usually installed in culverts or rivers in order to protect these waterways from increased sedimentation. They are able to retain large quantities of sediment, which can be released gradually over a longer period of time. However, they do require a higher power consumption, as they must be opened and closed in order to release the sediment. Baffle-type arrestors are designed to protect surface water from excessive sediment load, as the flow of water is slowed down due to the baffles, which prevents the sediment from entering the water. These types of silt arrestors are more cost-effective and require minimal maintenance, as there is no need to open and close the gate periodically.


Silt Arrestors are an essential part of any environment protection strategy in China. There are two main types (piston and baffle) which can be used according to the needs of the environment and the location. By choosing the appropriate type of silt arrester, the environment can be protected from the risk of erosion and sedimentation, while also saving money through reduced construction costs and minimal maintenance requirements.

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