Structural Composition and Working Principle of Water Tank in High Speed Wire Rod Mill

High-Speed Wire Rolling Mill Water Tank Introduction High-speed wire rolling mill is the main equipment used for rolling wires of various materials such as stainless steel, carbon steel, copper and aluminum in cold rolling mills. The water tank is an important part of high-speed wire rolling mil......

High-Speed Wire Rolling Mill Water Tank


High-speed wire rolling mill is the main equipment used for rolling wires of various materials such as stainless steel, carbon steel, copper and aluminum in cold rolling mills. The water tank is an important part of high-speed wire rolling mill. It plays an important role in ensuring the stability and quality of rolled products. The structure of the high-speed wire rolling mill water tank and its working principle is introduced in this paper.

Water Tank Structure

The high-speed wire rolling mill water tank is generally composed of a water tank body, inlet pipe, outlet pipe, baffle plate and supporting rack.

Figure 1: Water Tank Structure

The water tank body is the main part of the water tank, which is a cylindrical vessel with sealed cover. The inlet pipe and outlet pipe are connected to the body, respectively. They are connected with the motor outside the water tank. The inlet pipe is usually located at the lower part of the water tank and the outlet pipe is located at the upper part. The baffle plate is installed at the bottom of the water tank, which can prevent the sediment from entering into the inlet pipe and ensure that the inlet water is clean. The supporting rack is made of steel. It not only provides support for the water tank, but also has the master transfer switch, water level indicator and other components.

Water Tank Working Principle

The working principle of the high-speed wire rolling mill water tank is a closed-loop system. The water is fed into the water tank from the inlet pipe and flows upward from the point at the bottom of the water tank, and then heads towards the upper part. When the water reaches the outlet pipe, it flows out from the top. The sediment within the water tank is removed by the baffle plate and then flows out from the outlet pipe. Meanwhile, the master transfer switch is used to control the water level in the water tank. When the water level is too low, it starts the motor and increases the water flow, and vice versa. The water level indicator is used to display the water level in the tank.


The high-speed wire rolling mill water tank plays an important role in the production of rolling wires. Its structure and working principle have been briefly introduced, which are composed of the water tank body, inlet pipe, outlet pipe, baffle plate and supporting rack, and its working principle is a closed-loop system. The water is fed into the water tank, and then flows out from the outlet pipe, and the sediment is removed by the baffle plate. The master transfer switch and water level indicator are used to control and monitor the water level in the water tank.

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