Pareto curve

macroeconomic 748 01/07/2023 1217 Sophia

概述 Introduction The development of methods of organizational analysis has led to the widespread adoption of the Pareto Principle, which states that in any given task, 80 percent of the output can be attributed to 20 percent of the effort. This distribution of effort is known as the Pareto Distri......



The development of methods of organizational analysis has led to the widespread adoption of the Pareto Principle, which states that in any given task, 80 percent of the output can be attributed to 20 percent of the effort. This distribution of effort is known as the Pareto Distribution, and it is often used to describe the relative importance of goals and tasks in an organization. The Pareto Distribution is also known as the 80/20 Rule or the Pareto Curve.

General Overview

The Pareto Distribution is a type of power law distribution first proposed by Pareto in 1896. It states that a large number of processes are distributed according to a power-law pattern. This means that, for example, in a population of stocks, 20 percent of the stocks account for 80 percent of the value. In other words, the distribution is skewed, meaning that a small portion of the population has a disproportionately high influence.

The Pareto principle is commonly used to explain the distribution of wealth in any given society. For example, studies have found that 80 percent of the wealth in the United States is held by 20 percent of the population. The same principle can be used to describe a companys sales, where a small number of products account for a large share of the total.


The Pareto Distribution is useful for understanding a number of complex phenomena. It is often used to describe the distribution of income, wealth, and other resources. The Pareto Curve can also be used to explain the distribution of wealth within businesses, as well as the distribution of resources within a country or region.

The Pareto Distribution is also used to describe the distribution of efforts in a task. This means that a small portion of the efforts account for a large portion of the output. For example, in a populous country, a small number of cities may account for the majority of production and business activities. Similarly, in a company, the efforts of a few key personnel may be responsible for most of the results.

The Pareto Curve can be used to inform decisions about resource allocation, as it allows decision makers to identify which tasks or activities are most important. For example, a company may find that only a few of its products account for the majority of its profits. By focusing on these few products, the company can maximize its profits.


The Pareto Distribution is a useful tool for understanding the distribution of resources in any given society. It describes the skewed distribution of wealth, income, and other resources. The Pareto Curve can also be used to understand the distribution of effort in a task. By studying the Pareto Curve, decision makers can identify which tasks are most important and focus their efforts accordingly.

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macroeconomic 748 2023-07-01 1217 LuminousEcho

A Pareto chart, also known as a Pareto distribution diagram, is a type of chart that has been used in decision making and business analysis for over 100 years. The Pareto chart is a visual representation of the Pareto principle, which states that for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come fr......

A Pareto chart, also known as a Pareto distribution diagram, is a type of chart that has been used in decision making and business analysis for over 100 years. The Pareto chart is a visual representation of the Pareto principle, which states that for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. It is also known as the 80/20 rule.

The Pareto chart includes both a bar graph and a line graph, which display the relative frequency of various values. The bars represent the relative frequency or count of each value, while the line graph is a cumulative frequency chart, which shows the cumulative percentage of values from left to right. The cumulative frequency is important because it shows what percentage of the data is accounted for by each group.

The Pareto chart can be used to identify and compare the most frequent or important occurrences of an event. It can also identify when a noticeable change occurs in the frequency of data, called the Pareto break-point. Once the break-point is identified, it can help llead the analysis towards solutions that solve the most common problems.

The Pareto chart is a powerful tool for comparing different sets of data and identifying patterns. It can be used in a variety of data analysis applications, from cause and effect analysis to inventory management. It is also useful for identifying key performance indicators, measuring customer satisfaction, understanding customer buying habits, and increasingly, to make better decisions.

In conclusion, the Pareto chart is an invaluable tool for data analysis and decision making. By quickly visualizing both the relative frequency of values and their cumulative frequency, the Pareto chart helps analysts quickly identify the issues that matter most, and take action to address them.

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