Technical measures required for smelting clean steel

The electromagnetic smelting refining method of producing high clean steel is a new production process for steel production, which is different from the traditional smelting method. It is a steel making process with good prospects. This article will introduce the related production technology of h......

The electromagnetic smelting refining method of producing high clean steel is a new production process for steel production, which is different from the traditional smelting method. It is a steel making process with good prospects. This article will introduce the related production technology of high clean steel.

The production process of high clean steel is a kind of physical and chemical process. This process requires the use of advanced electromagnetic smelting and refining technology to produce high clean steel with few inclusions, good metallurgical properties, even elements and homogeneous organization. In order to produce high-clean steel, it is necessary to improve the process control, reduce the extremely harmful inclusions, and ensure the mechanical properties. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure the economical efficiency of the production and achieve the expected indicators according to the process.

The production of high clean steel requires that all production links from raw material selection, melting and refining, deoxidization, temperature, casting and rolling must be strictly controlled so that the final product can meet both product quality indicators and production costs. The key processes of control include ingredients, undercooling control, stirring control, downcomer fractional collection, and slag ratio control.

At the same time, the process of producing high-clean steel also require the selection of the suitable raw material, removal of impurities from the raw material, the addition of alloying elements, removal of hydrogen and other gases, melting of the alloy material, oxidation of metals of the alloy, protection and removal of impurities in the oxide. Part of the oxygen and other gases in the oxide can be reduced when the solid oxide is in the molten state. In order to reduce the temperature of the steel sheet, deoxidization and desulfurization are also necessary.

In the process of producing high clean steel, the most important part is the electromagnetic melt refining process. This technology combines the melting and refining process into one production process and brings a new revolution to the traditional steelmaking process. Electromagnetic melt refining has many advantages over other refining processes. It has better control of the production process, higher production energy conversion efficiency, slag control ability, strengthening of the steel melting process, and can reduce the internal stress of the product to a certain degree. In addition, the speed of stirs per minute is quick and the power consumption is low, so it is more effective in refining the product.

In the production of high clean steel, the automatic control system also plays a very important role. This system can fully control and monitor the production process. Through reasonable adjustment of the melting process, it can ensure that all parameters meet the requirements, achieve process control and improve the removal of pollutants and pollutants, so that the product meets the standards.

The production process of high clean steel has higher requirements for the environment and the improvement of the equipment. The production process is a multi-disciplinary, multi-element cooperation process which is affected by a variety of factors. The optimization of the whole process is not only related to the improvement of the equipment, but also needs to focus on the environment and the attitude of the operator.

In summary, the production of high clean steel needs to strictly control the production process step by step, rationally select the raw materials, reasonably adjust the electromagnetic melting and refining process, and use the automatic control system to monitor the whole process, so that the product can meet the required quality indicators.

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