Detection instrument and automatic control system of waste heat recovery system

? Detection and Automation Control System of Waste Heat Recovery System Introduction A waste heat recovery system is an important component of an industrial plant. It is a system of capturing the heat which is wasted by a machine and converting it into some useful form, such as electricity or di......

Detection and Automation Control System of Waste Heat Recovery System


A waste heat recovery system is an important component of an industrial plant. It is a system of capturing the heat which is wasted by a machine and converting it into some useful form, such as electricity or direct heat for applications. Waste heat recovery systems are used to retrieve and utilize energy that would otherwise be discarded as waste heat to power and improve the efficiency of industrial processes and equipment. Proper monitoring and controlling of a waste heat recovery system is necessary to ensure good energy efficiency. This article provides an overview of the detection and automation control systems for a Waste Heat Recovery (WHR) system.

Detection Systems

The purpose of a detection system is to detect changes in the industrial process and give an indication to proper corrective action. Detection systems in WHR systems provide information about the performance of the waste heat recovery system. This information can be used to determine the most effective and efficient operation of the system. Detection systems can include sensors and automated monitoring systems.


Sensors provide a direct and immediate indication of the performance of the WHR system. They are useful for monitoring parameters such as temperature, pressure, flow, and other indicators which can give an indication of the overall performance of the system. Proper data collection and analysis of the system can help identify potential operational problems and possible remedial action.

Automated Monitoring

Automated monitoring systems are used to monitor the performance of the system over time and provide data which can be used to determine the best course of action to improve the performance of the system over time. Automated monitoring systems can detect problems in real-time and alert the operator or other personnel to take corrective actions. Automated monitoring systems can also identify sources of inefficiency and possible upgrades that can be done to improve the efficiency of the waste heat recovery system.

Automation Control Systems

An automated control system allows the system operator to control and adjust the system as required to achieve the desired performance outcome. Automated control systems are often a combination of sensors, programs and valves. For instance, a typical automated control system might include a temperature sensor, a programmable logic controller (PLC) to control the process, and a series of valves to control the flow rate and the pressure of the process. Automated control systems allow for a high level of accuracy, reliability and repeatability, therefore ensuring efficient use of energy.


The detection and automation control systems of a Waste Heat Recovery (WHR) system are essential components that ensure efficient operation of the system. Sensors provide a direct indication of the performance of the system and automation controls give the operator the necessary control over the system to ensure the desired performance of the system. Proper monitoring and control of the WHR system are paramount to ensure optimal performance and energy efficiency.

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