Discussion on Electromagnetic Stirring of Crystallizer

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Introduction Crystallizers are one of the most important pieces of equipment in laboratories and industrial processes. Crystallization is the process of separating molecules from a solution by turning them into solid crystals. Crystallization is used for pharmaceutical development, for food proce......


Crystallizers are one of the most important pieces of equipment in laboratories and industrial processes. Crystallization is the process of separating molecules from a solution by turning them into solid crystals. Crystallization is used for pharmaceutical development, for food processing, and for other industrial processes. Crystallizers are commonly used to create large and small crystals from a solution.

Crystallizers can be agitated in several ways to produce more efficient crystallization. Agitation is the process of stirring the solution in which the crystallization is taking place, for example with a stirrer, or a paddle. Agitation increases the rate of reaction and can be used to produce desired crystals. More specifically, electromagnetic mixing is a type of agitation which can be used in crystallizers and is a powerful tool.


When using electromagnetic mixing in a crystallizer, there are three main advantages. First, it has a large range of available speeds, enabling it to produce crystals with different sizes, shapes, and even different properties. This adjustable range of speeds is especially helpful in controlling the supersaturation of the solution, and is important in achieving desired crystallization outcomes. Second, the electromagnetic mixing technique is more precise and controllable than traditional stirring, and does not warp or vibrate the crystallizer components. Third, the electromagnetic mixing technique is safer for the materials inside the crystallizer, as it is less likely to cause breakage, and requires less physical contact.

Additionally, as is often the case in multiple applications of crystallizers, it is necessary to maintain a constant temperature of the solution during crystallization. With the addition of an electric coil, electromagnetic mixing can also be used to achieve thermal stability, enabling the crystallizer to reach the desired temperature and maintaining it.


Electromagnetic mixing is widely used in several kinds of crystallizers, including, for example, batch and continuous crystallizers. In batch crystallizers, an external magnetic field generates an electromagnetic current that stirs the crystallizer solution. This type of agitation increases the heat transfer rate from the crystallizer walls, which encourages the solubility of the crystal and facilitates the suspension of the components.

In continuous crystallizers, electromagnetic mixing is applied to produce a uniform solution, with a set temperature, free of precipitation. This process increases the homogeneity of the stirred fluid as well as the kinetics of crystallization, enabling the crystallization to be more efficient.


In conclusion, electromagnetic mixing is a powerful tool to control and improve the crystallization process that takes place in crystallizers. Its advantages, such as its adjustable speed range, precision, and safety, make it a preferred technique when compared to traditional stirring. Additionally, electromagnetic mixing can also be used to achieve thermal stability, as it is possible to maintain a constant temperature in the crystallizer during crystallization.

This is essential to achieve the desired crystals with the optimal properties, and to make the crystallization process more efficient. Furthermore, it is widely used in batch and continuous crystallizers, to generate uniform solutions with solutions free of precipitation.

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