Judgment of machine failure and oil quality by hand feeling method

Introduction In recent decades, the world has experienced many advances in the mechanisation of various processes. With the increased use of machines in different settings, it is important to provide workers with a way to check the quality of their machines and their oil supply. One way to do thi......


In recent decades, the world has experienced many advances in the mechanisation of various processes. With the increased use of machines in different settings, it is important to provide workers with a way to check the quality of their machines and their oil supply. One way to do this is through the use of tactile sensing. This technology utilizes sensors, located inside machinery, that can detect the presence of certain tactile characteristics. These characteristics can allow for a detection of potential problems and a way to identify the quality of different types of oil. Tactile sensing is becoming an increasingly important tool in both industry and automotive applications, as it can provide an accurate, reliable, and cost-effective way to ensure the quality of oil and equipment.

How tactile sensing works

The process of tactile sensing involves the use of pressure, temperature, and vibration sensors to detect certain characteristics that are associated with different types of oil. These characteristics include viscosity, acidity, and the presence of different contaminants. By detecting these characteristics, the sensors can determine whether or not a particular type of oil is suitable for use or if there is a potential problem with the machine. For example, a high viscosity oil will have a much higher resistance to flow than a lower viscosity oil, and a machine that is using a lower viscosity oil may be prone to break downs because of this. On the other hand, a machine that is running a high viscosity oil may be running too slowly, and the sensors can detect this issue before it becomes a serious problem.

The ability to accurately detect these characteristics can be used to identify and diagnose potential machinery problems. For example, if a machine is running too hot, the tactile sensing technology can detect this and alert the user. This can help to prevent major breakdowns, as the user can take the necessary steps to address the issue before it becomes a costly repair. In addition, the tactile sensing technology can also be used to identify any contaminants that are present in the oil, as well as any irregularities in the oil supply. This allows the user to ensure that the oil supply is of a high quality, and that it is suitable for use in the machinery.

The Benefits of Tactile Sensing

The use of tactile sensing technology offers a number of benefits to both users and manufacturers. One of the most important benefits of tactile sensing is that it can detect potential problems within a machine well before they become an issue. This allows the user to take the necessary steps to fix any issues before major damage occurs. For example, if a machine is running too hot, tactile sensing can detect this and alert the user, who can then take action to address the situation before major damage occurs. This can help to save time, money, and potential downtime that may have otherwise occurred if the problem had gone unnoticed.

Another benefit of tactile sensing is its affordability. As the technology utilizes relatively inexpensive sensors, the cost of implementation is typically much lower than other alternatives. In addition, the sensors are lightweight and can be easily installed in any machine, making them a very cost-effective solution.

Finally, tactile sensing can provide an increased level of accuracy compared to other methods of detecting oil problems. By taking readings from an array of sensors, the accuracy of the analysis is significantly improved, as it can detect a variety of problems that would otherwise go unnoticed. This helps to provide users with greater confidence in their machines, as they can rest assured that their equipment is running optimally.


Overall, tactile sensing offers a number of important benefits to those who use it. From helping to detect potential problems with machines to providing an accurate and cost-effective way to identify oil supply problems, tactile sensing is becoming increasingly important in industry and automotive applications. By utilizing sensors to detect certain tactile characteristics, users can be sure that their machines are running properly and that their oil supply is of a high quality. With its affordability and accuracy, tactile sensing is becoming an increasingly popular way to ensure the quality of equipment and oil in various settings.

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