Research on the Influence of Two Kinds of Quenching Oils on the Heat Treatment Quality of Leaf Springs (Part 2)

heat treatment 443 1076 Liam

传统的淬火油,如石油底物、矿油基润滑油,可能含有沉积物、氧化物或杂质,所以它们可能会堵塞热处理设备中的喷嘴或管道,从而影响其工艺性能和用户满意度。 许多科学家认为聚碳酸酯(PC)是更优质的淬火油,该产品具有消防和抗热性。在PC淬火油中未发现明显的残留物,因此可靠性更高,故障率也更低。此外,PC还具有优秀......

传统的淬火油,如石油底物、矿油基润滑油,可能含有沉积物、氧化物或杂质,所以它们可能会堵塞热处理设备中的喷嘴或管道,从而影响其工艺性能和用户满意度。 许多科学家认为聚碳酸酯(PC)是更优质的淬火油,该产品具有消防和抗热性。在PC淬火油中未发现明显的残留物,因此可靠性更高,故障率也更低。此外,PC还具有优秀的抗氧化和粘度稳定性能,这可以最大限度地避免油被氧化。在板簧热处理中,PC淬火油的使用可以减少设备的曲挠,并确保一致的热处理流量和质量。




In summary, PC quenching oil can effectively improve the quality of quenching treatment for plate springs. Compared with traditional quenching oil, PC quenching oil has better fire resistance and heat resistance, no obvious residues, higher reliability, lower failure rate, stable film form, controllable flow and lubricity, etc., which can effectively avoid oil oxidation and reduce the loading of equipment components and side pipes, and improve the process performance and service life. In addition, the stable film form, controllable flow and lubricity of PC quenching oil can also help to effectively control the quality of quenching treatment, so as to meet the users requirements. Therefore, PC quenching oil has become an ideal quenching medium for plate spring quenching heat treatment. In the research of the influence of two quenching oils on the quality of plate spring heat treatment, it is concluded that PC quenching oil is a better quenching medium for plate spring heat treatment than traditional quenching oil.

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