China Foreign Contractors Association
The China Foreign Contractors Association (FCCA) is an international organization established in 1978. It is a non-profit professional organization servicing the professional needs of foreign contractors working in China. The main activities of the FCCA include document reviews, provision of professional advice, communication and representation of the interests of its members.
The mission of the FCCA is to promote the development of worldwide construction activities in China, through the provision of helpful information, services and support to its members. The FCCA represents the interests of its members in China, by providing advice and support on important decisions and representing these interests to Government and other regulatory bodies.
The FCCA has a membership of over 400 companies from around the world, including China. The regional divisions used by the FCCA are represented in the regional branches located in China. The regional branches organize regional forums and symposia on a range of topics that are relevant to their respective fields of expertise.
The activities of the FCCA provide support to those companies who are involved in the construction industry. Some of the topics that are regularly discussed are: building codes, customs clearance, local regulations, regional agreements, employment, safety regulations and personal liability.
The FCCA runs courses to help its members understand the Chinese construction industry and its regulations. These courses also help to identify and discuss the latest trends and best practices in the construction industry. The FCCA also provides legal and financial advice to its members and offers advice on marketing strategies.
In recent years, the FCCA has become increasingly involved in the development of international standards and regulations pertaining to construction projects in China and other countries. The FCCA is actively working to ensure that all contractors comply with international standards and apply best practices. This is done in order to ensure that construction projects meet quality and safety standards, while also taking into consideration environmental considerations.
The FCCA is also a key participant in the international relations of China and its foreign partners. Through its involvement in international forums, conferences, and joint ventures, the FCCA has helped to promote the international construction industry in China.
The FCCA has also provided support to several cooperative projects in the areas of trade, investment and construction. These activities have included: the joint promotion of foreign investment policies in China, the establishment of joint ventures between Chinese and foreign contractors, and the promotion of inter-regional agreements between different countries.
The FCCA is committed to the continued development and improvement of the construction industry in China and will continue to provide support, advice and guidance to its members. As it continues to expand its international activities, the FCCA will remain dedicated to promoting the trading and investment interests of its members in China.