Fillet radius of non-ferrous metal forgings for screw press

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Radius of Round Corners for Metallic Forgings of Spiral Pressure Machines The spiral pressure machine is an important part of the forging machinery in the metallurgical industry, and the quality of the forgings it produces directly affects the success rate of the final product. Therefore, one of ......

Radius of Round Corners for Metallic Forgings of Spiral Pressure Machines

The spiral pressure machine is an important part of the forging machinery in the metallurgical industry, and the quality of the forgings it produces directly affects the success rate of the final product. Therefore, one of the key indicators in the assessment of the quality of the forgings is to study the radius of the round corners.

In order to ensure the performance of the forgings produced by the spiral pressure machine, the size of the corners must be accurately measured. Generally speaking, the inner radius of the round corners of the forgings should not be less than 1.0mm. The radius should be uniform and the same for each part of the forging.

In addition to ensuring the uniformity of the radius, the requirements for the formation and smoothness of the round corners should also be taken into account. Specifically, the corners should form an arc of equal radius, the edges should be free of projections, indentations and other defects, and the surface should be smooth.

For the spiral pressure machine to produce forgings with satisfactory results, it is important to maintain the temperature of the machine and prevent abnormal temperature differences. Additionally, the operating speed should be kept at a low level and the die should be used properly to ensure that the round corners of the forgings are neat and smooth.

When using the spiral pressure machine, it is also necessary to use the right materials to prevent excessive wear and tear. For example, if the forgings are made of steel, a low-alloy steel should be used to reduce the possibility of oxidation. As for the tools used on the spiral pressure machine, it is necessary to check the tools regularly in order to make sure that the tips of the tools do not deform the surface of the forgings.

In summary, when using the spiral pressure machine to produce metallic forgings, the radius of the round corners should be carefully examined according to the requirements. All necessary measures should be taken to ensure the precision of the forgings produced, including the selection of the right materials, the maintenance of the machine and the inspection of the tools before production. With these measures taken, the forged forgings produced by the spiral pressure machines can reach the desired quality.

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