management philosophy

Philosophy of Management Management has long been defined in terms of the many modalities that the discipline prescribes for handling the complexities of modern organizations. As a result, many definitions exist for what this concept entails — some of which include the gathering and implementati......

Philosophy of Management

Management has long been defined in terms of the many modalities that the discipline prescribes for handling the complexities of modern organizations. As a result, many definitions exist for what this concept entails — some of which include the gathering and implementation of resources, planning and decision-making, leading, organizing and controlling potential problems. The theory of management, as well as the many implementations that have been devised from its various principles, have evolved into a more sophisticated understanding of the complexities of running any given organization.

The philosophy of management is a set of principles, views and thinking concerning the proper relationships to humans and their activities within an organization. This includes a range of stances, beliefs, and knowledge on the subject, which ultimately aims to increase the value created in any given organization. It is first essential to define the various views that have been held on the subject over time and how they continue to shape modern organizations.

There are essentially three views that may be applied to the management of organizations — namely the bureaucratic, pragmatic, and humanistic. The bureaucratic view is perhaps the most classical, believing in the rule of administrative laws and the application of certain rules in order to effectively manage an organization. This view typically supports the discretion of authority within organizations, with decisions made by a few individuals in order to maintain a centralized, top-down approach to managing the organization.

The pragmatic view supports the application of scientific methodologies to the decision-making process, and sees the management as a tool to achieve the organizations objectives. Its proponents analyze the environment and create solutions based on logic and reason, rather than relying on certain rules or discretion.

The humanistic view of management takes the position that relationships are at the core of any organizations success. It emphasizes understanding between colleagues and management, and sees the individuals within a group as having important roles to fill. This emphasizes the development of people and the value they can provide, rather than simply ensuring a process is performed correctly. This view is increasingly relevant to contemporary organizations, and its principles can often be seen in the many corporate cultures that exist.

In conclusion, there are numerous views that may be applied to the theory and practice of management. Each of these views can be seen in the various organizations that exist, which emphasizes the importance of understanding their different underlying philosophies. In order to be successful, an organization must be able to blend the bureaucratic, pragmatic, and humanistic views of management in order to achieve the best results for all its stakeholders.

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