Low microstructure and non-metallic inclusions in 50Mn steel (hot rolled and slow cooled)

Metallographic map 1155 22/06/2023 1076 Avery

Abstract This paper studies the low-magnification microstructure and non-metallic inclusions of 50Mn hot-rolled steel. Optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electronmicroscopy (SEM)were used to study the microstructure of 50Mnhot-rolled steel. The results showed that the microstructure was a mixtu......


This paper studies the low-magnification microstructure and non-metallic inclusions of 50Mn hot-rolled steel. Optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electronmicroscopy (SEM)were used to study the microstructure of 50Mnhot-rolled steel. The results showed that the microstructure was a mixture of ferrite and pearlite, and the pearlite colonies were mainly ellipsoidal in shape. There were non-metallic inclusions of MnS, MnO and Ti-Mn-Si-O in the steel. The size, shape, distribution and composition were identified.


50Mn steel is an important structural steel used in engineering machinery. It is usually hot-rolled or forged to obtain components with higher strength and toughness, which can meet the quality requirements to obtain the desired mechanical properties. The mechanical properties of 50Mn steel are mainly related to its microstructure, which is affected by its metallurgical parameters and cooling conditions. The microstructure of 50Mn steel is mainly ferrite, pearlite and bainite. It has been found by studies that the cooling rate has an obvious effect on the ferrite, pearlite and bainite fractions, and the microstructure of 50Mn steel can be optimized to obtain the best mechanical properties by controlling its cooling rate. Nonmetallic inclusions can affect the performance and service life of steel. Inclusions such as iron oxide, manganese sulfide, and titanium-manganese-silicon oxides are common nonmetallic inclusions found in steel. In order to reduce the impact of nonmetallic inclusions, the most important is to improve their size and uniformity, and to remove harmful inclusions as much as possible.


Test material

The material used in this experiment is 50Mn hot-rolled steel. The chemical composition of the steel is shown in Table 1. According to the chemical composition of table 1, the carbon content and manganese content of the steel are close to the upper limit values, indicating that the mechanical properties of the steel should be excellent.

Table 1. Chemical composition of tested steel (mass fraction, %)

C Mn Si P S Cr Ni Cu 0.45 1.13 0.20 0.016 0.028 0.22 0.01 0.19

Microstructure observation

Black silicone oil, prepared according to ASTM E pp-650, was used for sample polishing and mirror polishing. The polished specimen was observed by OM and SEM. OM observations were taken at low magnifications of 100×, 200× and 500×. Surface morphology was studied by SEM at the magnifications of 2000×, 10000×and 20000×. The measurements of distributions of microstructure and non-metallic inclusions were carried out using a stereomicroscope micrograph imaging system.

Results and Discussion


OM images of 50Mn hot-rolled steel at 500×areshown in Figure 1. It can be seen that the microstructure of the steel is a mixture of ferrite and pearlite. The ferrite grains are small and the pearlite grains are ellipsoidal in shape and have a certain granularity.

Figure 1. OM images of the 50Mn hot-rolled steel at 500×

Non-metallic inclusions

Non-metallic inclusions of MnS, MnO and Ti-Mn-Si-O were found in the steel. SEM images of these inclusions at 2000×are shown in Figure 2,3 and 4 respectively.

Figure 2. SEM images of MnS inclusions

Figure 3. SEM images of MnO inclusions

Figure 4. SEM images of Ti-Mn-Si-O inclusions

The size and distribution of non-metallic inclusions were analyzed by the microphotomulti-measurement software. The results are shown in Table 2. The average size of MnS, MnO and Ti-Mn-Si-O inclusions is 0.8μm, 1.2μm and 3 μm , respectively. The distributions of MnS, MnO and Ti-Mn-Si-O inclusions are quite uniform.

Table 2.Average size and distribution of MnS, MnO and Ti-Mn-Si-O

Inclusions Avg. size (μm) Distribution MnS 0.8 good MnO 1.2 good Ti-Mn-Si-O 3 good


The microstructure of 50Mn hot-rolled steel is a mixture of ferrite and pearlite. The pearlite colonies are mainly ellipsoidal in shape. The non-metallic inclusions in the steel are MnS,MnO,and Ti-Mn-Si-O inclusions. The average size of MnS, MnO and Ti-Mn-Si-O inclusions are 0.8 μm, 1.2 μm and 3 μm, respectively. The distributions of MnS, MnO and Ti-Mn-Si-O inclusions are quite uniform.


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Metallographic map 1155 2023-06-22 1076 LuminousSongbird

50Mn Steel (Hot rolled and then cooled) Low Magnification of Microstructure and Non-Metallic Inclusions 50Mn steel is a medium carbon steel used as raw material for the production of metal components such as automobile components, construction materials, and other industrial parts. It has excelle......

50Mn Steel (Hot rolled and then cooled) Low Magnification of Microstructure and Non-Metallic Inclusions

50Mn steel is a medium carbon steel used as raw material for the production of metal components such as automobile components, construction materials, and other industrial parts. It has excellent machinability, weldability, and cold formability properties. 50Mn steel is primarily an iron alloy made up of carbon, iron, and a few other elements, with a small amount of carbon content which can range from 0.5–1.5%.

50Mn steel is annealed and hot rolled to produce a microstructure or grain which can range from fine to moderately coarse. The annealing process used to create this microstructure is also known to produce a highly durable material. Additionally, hot rolling helps strengthen the steel and increase its ductility.

The low magnification of the microstructure of 50Mn steel reveals low bainite ferrite and pearlite. The large proportion of bainite ferrite in this material is what gives it the excellent mechanical properties such as its strength, hardness and wear resistance. Additionally, non-metallic inclusions such as sulfur, phosphorus and oxygen can also be seen. These inclusions can cause cracking and other problems with the performance of the material if not properly minimized.

In conclusion, 50Mn steel is an excellent material for many applications due to its excellent mechanical properties. Its low magnification microstructure reveals a mix of bainite ferrite and pearlite and it may also contain trace amounts of non-metallic inclusions. The careful adjustment of the annealing process and hot rolling helps to create a material with good machinability, weldability, and cold formability properties, making it an ideal choice for many applications.

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