GB 15322-94 Technical requirements and test methods for combustible gas detectors

GB 15322-94 Combustible Gas Detectors Technical Requirements and Test Methods It is most important to detect combustible gases in various industrial production processes, such as chemical and petrochemical industries, power plants, military radar and other related areas. GB 15322-94 Combustible G......

GB 15322-94 Combustible Gas Detectors Technical Requirements and Test Methods

It is most important to detect combustible gases in various industrial production processes, such as chemical and petrochemical industries, power plants, military radar and other related areas. GB 15322-94 Combustible Gas Detectors Technical Requirements and Test Methods is issued by the National Technical Standardization Committee to provide unified technical requirements and test method for combustible gas detectors.

Scope of this standard

This standard applies to combustible gas detectors for measuring CO, CH4, C2H4, H2S, LPG and other combustible gases. Combustible gas detectors mentioned in this standard are neither explosion-proof nor protective. They should be installed in places with combustible atmosphere when in use.


According to the different methods used to detect combustible gas, the testing range and warning range of combustible gas detectors are divided into the following categories:

Classification Test Range


Wide Range Detector (0 - 100% LFL)

The wide range detector can detect combustible gas within concentration range of 0-100% LFL (lower explosive limit).


Special Range Detector (Fixed Range)

The special range detectordetects combustible gas within a fixed concentration range and can be set according to the users needs.


Two-Stage Detector (Fixed Range)

The two-stage detector can detect combustible gas within two fixed concentration ranges. When the combustible gas reaches the high value of the first range, the detector will output a warning signal.


Multi-Stage Detector (Fixed Range)

The multi-stage detector can detect combustible gas within multiple fixed concentration ranges. When the combustible gas reaches the high value of the first range, the detector will output a warning signal.

Performance requirements


Response Time

The response time of the detector refers to the time from when the detector is exposed to combustible gas to when the combustible gas reaches the specified concentration (set point value) to give an alarm or output a warning signal.



The repeatability of the detector refers to the consistency between the alarm/warning signal output when the combustible gas concentration is different, with a permissible deviation below a certain value and the limit value should be indicated in the user manual.


Anti-Interference Performance

The anti-interference performance of the detector indicates its robustness against external environmental factors such as temperature, humidity and pressure.



The lifespan of the detector gives the estimation on how long it can work continuously and reliably.

Test Methods


Test Location

The combustible gas detector should be tested in an environment free from dust, obstructions, water drops, visible combustible gas, electric sparks, and combustible atmospheres.


Simulation Principle

The combustible gas detector should be tested by simulating the actual working environment.


Test Method

The combustible gas detector should be tested in accordance with the users manual to ensure the accuracy of the test results.

In conclusion, the purpose of this standard is to provide uniform technical requirements and test methods for combustible gas detectors in order to ensure the safety and reliability of the users’ detection enviroment.

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