Super divisional organizational structure

Introduction Creating an effective organizational structure is one of the key elements for running a successful business. This is especially true for multinational corporations, which have a variety of departments and divisions spread across different countries. An effective organizational struct......


Creating an effective organizational structure is one of the key elements for running a successful business. This is especially true for multinational corporations, which have a variety of departments and divisions spread across different countries. An effective organizational structure is needed in order to coordinate the activities of all employees in order to ensure the company’s business objectives are met. In this paper, we will analyze the organizational structure of China Mobile’s international business division in order to illustrate how the company has been able to successfully manage its diverse global operations.

China Mobile

China Mobile is a leading telecommunications provider in China with over 831 million mobile customers and 4 million fixed line customers. It is one of the world’s largest mobile network operators, providing network access and a wide variety of services to its customers.

The company has five business divisions: mobile services, international business, fixed line services, regional businesses and new business services. Of these divisions, the international business division is responsible for managing overseas activities in China Mobile’s international markets.

Organizational Structure of China Mobile’s International Business Division

China Mobile’s international business division is divided into four main departments: International Operations, Strategy, Development, and Support. Each department is in charge of a specific area or duty and has several individual teams within it.

International Operations Department

The International Operations Department manages China Mobile’s international subsidiaries and joint ventures. It is in charge of the day-to-day management of the subsidiaries and is responsible for the financial and operational performance of the international businesses.

Within the International Operations Department, there are four main teams: Corporate Planning, Network and Services, Regional, and Project. The Corporate Planning team is responsible for providing policy advice and strategy advice to the international subsidiaries. The Network and Services team is responsible for managing network buildouts, operations and services across China Mobile’s international markets. The Regional team is responsible for ensuring that China Mobile’s international subsidiaries are compliant with local laws and regulations. Finally, the Project team is responsible for overseeing any projects or initiatives that have an effect on the international business division.

Strategy Department

The Strategy Department is responsible for creating and implementing long-term strategies for China Mobile’s international business division. It is responsible for developing and formulating strategies to assist the international business division in achieving its objectives.

Within the Strategy Department, there are four main teams: International Planning, Market Analysis, Investment and Risk, and Business Development. The International Planning team is responsible for formulating policies and strategies to support the international subsidiaries. The Market Analysis team is responsible for researching prospective markets and performing market analyses. The Investment and Risk team is responsible for assessing and managing the risks associated with investing in international markets. Finally, the Business Development team is responsible for formulating strategies to expand and grow the international business division.

Development Department

The Development Department is responsible for the operational activities in China Mobile’s international markets. It is responsible for developing and implementing processes and procedures to ensure that the company’s overseas operations are run efficiently and effectively.

Within the Development Department, there are four main teams: Processes and Procedures, Product and Service Development, Quality Assurance, and Project Implementation. The Processes and Procedures team is responsible for developing and maintaining processes and procedures for managing overseas operations. The Product and Service Development team is responsible for developing and launching new products and services in international markets. The Quality Assurance team is responsible for monitoring and ensuring the quality of services in overseas markets. Finally, the Project Implementation team is responsible for planning and executing any projects or initiatives related to the international business division.

Support Department

The Support Department is responsible for providing administrative and organizational support to China Mobile’s overseas operations. It is responsible for managing data and training of personnel in international markets.

Within the Support Department, there are four main teams: Logistics, Administration, Training, and IT. The Logistics team is responsible for managing the delivery of products and services to customers in international markets. The Administration team is responsible for managing personnel and managing data related to international operations. The Training team is responsible for providing training and support for personnel in overseas markets. Finally, the IT team is responsible for managing computer systems and networks in overseas markets.


China Mobile’s international business division has a well-defined and effective organizational structure that enables the company to successfully manage its overseas operations. The division has separate teams for each of its departments, which are responsible for their specific areas of operations. This structure allows China Mobile to coordinate the activities of its international subsidiaries and ensure that its international business objectives are met.

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