Lubrication Characteristics of Open Gear Transmission and Requirements for Its Lubricant Performance

? Introduction Open Gear Drives are becoming increasingly common in many industrial applications due to the reliability and cost savings they provide. For example, open gear drives are used in oil and gas, steel and mining, and cement production plants. In order for open gear drives to perform opt......


Open Gear Drives are becoming increasingly common in many industrial applications due to the reliability and cost savings they provide. For example, open gear drives are used in oil and gas, steel and mining, and cement production plants. In order for open gear drives to perform optimally, proper lubrication of the gear teeth is essential. In this article, we will discuss some of the characteristics of open gear drives and the performance requirements of their lubricants.

Open Gear Drive Characteristics

Open gear drives use a series of external teeth, or gear teeth, to transmit power. These gear teeth provide a reliable and efficient transmission of power between two rotating parts, or gears. One of the advantages of open gear drives is their ability to operate under extreme loads and pressures, making them a good choice for heavy-duty applications. Additionally, the wide contact surface of open gear drives allows them to generate a significant amount of torque while requiring a relatively small gear size.

Open gear drives are also known for their high noise levels. This is because open gear drives make contact between the gear teeth with considerable force, resulting in a large amount of noise emanating from the gear drive. In order to reduce this noise level, open gear drives can be equipped with dampers or other noise suppression elements.

Lubrication Requirements of Open Gear Drives

Open gear drives require a specific type of lubrication. This lubrication must be able to withstand high levels of pressure and heat, as well as periodic contact between the gear teeth. In order to ensure proper operation and performance, the lubrication must also be able to reduce wear on the gear teeth and reduce noise generated between the gear teeth.

Typically, open gear drives require a lubricant with high film strength and load-carrying capacity. This helps to ensure that the lubricant is able to withstand high temperatures and pressures and provide an effective shield of protection between the gear teeth. Additionally, open gear drives require a lubricant with excellent corrosion protection properties. This is important because corrosion can cause decreased gear lifespan and excessive noise.


Open gear drives are highly reliable, efficient, and cost-effective components in many industrial applications. However, in order for these components to function properly, proper lubrication is essential. The lubricant used in open gear drives must be able to withstand extreme temperatures, pressures, and periodic contact between the gear teeth. In addition, the lubricant must also offer excellent corrosion protection properties to ensure a long lifespan and low noise levels. With the right lubricant, open gear drives will provide years of reliable service.

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