Incentives by example

Introduction Model motivation (also known as role model motivation) is a method of motivating others to achieve a goal or change behavior. It is based on the theory that people learn by observing others and attempting to emulate them. By looking to model behavior, people can be inspired to take ac......


Model motivation (also known as role model motivation) is a method of motivating others to achieve a goal or change behavior. It is based on the theory that people learn by observing others and attempting to emulate them. By looking to model behavior, people can be inspired to take action and be successful.

Model motivation is a powerful force that can be used to encourage achievement in any area of life. It can be applied to personal goals, such as becoming a better student, or professional goals, such as starting a business. It can be used to inspire others to do the same. Model motivation is based on the idea that people find it easier to learn by observing and attempting to master behaviors by copying those of successful people.

Model motivation works by making the target feel that they could achieve the same success as another person. This could be done through stories, sharing first-hand experiences, or simply showing a successful example. This motivation is effective since it allows people to get a realistic sense of what is achievable and helps give them confidence to make an effort to do the same.

In terms of business, model motivation helps with motivating employees to reach organizational targets. By using a successful example, employees feel that they can achieve the same success and can have drive to increase sales and productivity. A good example of this is when a company does a promotion for their best-performing employee. This not only motivates this employee, but it also gives the other employees an example to strive for. By showing success, it can inspire employees to work as a team to reach the desired outcomes.

Model motivation can also be used in education to motivate students to strive for better grades. By recognizing a successful student or providing other examples of success in a certain field, students can be motivated to excel in their studies and reach their academic goals. This motivation is effective when teachers create a positive learning environment and emphasize how all students, regardless of ability, can achieve success.

Model motivation can also help individuals in their personal goals. When an individual has a goal that seems impossible to reach, it can be helpful to look to a successful example that has achieved that goal. By seeing the goal being achieved, it provides a realistic view of what is possible and can greatly help with self-motivation.


Model motivation is a powerful tool that can be used to help people of all backgrounds and abilities to reach their goals. It is based on the idea that people learn by observing and attempting to emulate successful behaviors. It can be used to motivate employees to reach organizational targets, to help students in their studies, and to help individuals in their personal goals. By recognizing successful examples and creating a positive environment, model motivation can help individuals feel inspired and confident to work towards their goals.

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