End point temperature adjustment in converter steelmaking process

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Temperature Control of Continuous Casting and Reheating Furnace in Steelmaking Process Temperature control is an important factor in the steel-making process. It plays a key role in controlling the properties and characteristics of the produced steel. In continuous casting and reheating furnace, ......

Temperature Control of Continuous Casting and Reheating Furnace in Steelmaking Process

Temperature control is an important factor in the steel-making process. It plays a key role in controlling the properties and characteristics of the produced steel. In continuous casting and reheating furnace, temperature control is also one of the major problems that have to be addressed. For example, in the reheating furnace, the temperature is adjusted to optimal levels for the particular steel product being manufactured. If the temperature is not controlled properly, it can result in the steel being over or under-heated, which can lead to porosity or even cracking of the casting. Therefore, it is essential to control the temperature of the furnace in order to ensure the production of the highest quality steel.

Temperature control in the continuous casting and reheating furnace is accomplished using two types of components. The first component is the furnace controller, which is responsible for monitoring and adjusting the temperature. The controller is connected to both a power source and the furnace and it is programmed to maintain a certain temperature range. The second component is the temperature lamp. This is placed inside the furnace and is responsible for generating a light beam that can detect any changes in temperature. If the temperature in the furnace exceeds the programmed range, then the lamp will detect the change and the controller will adjust the power to bring the temperature back within the specified range.

Once the desired temperature is achieved, the furnace is ready to start the steel-making process. This includes melting and casting of the steel, reheating it for further processing, and finally reheating it once more for the final pour. During these steps, it is important to make sure that the temperature of the furnace is constantly monitored and adjusted as needed to maintain the desired range. For example, in the final pour, the steel is typically heated to around 1650°C. To ensure that this temperature is maintained, the furnace controller will regularly monitor the temperature and make corrections as needed.

Once the steel-making process is finished, the temperature in the furnace must be adjusted to the optimal level for cooling and storage. Typically, this temperature is between 600°C and 650°C. To achieve this, the controller will be programmed to reduce the power as the temperature decreases. During this step, it is important to remember that the temperature should not be reduced too quickly as this can lead to thermal stresses that can cause cracking. By carefully adjusting the power and the temperature, the steel can be cooled safely without the risk of porosity or cracks.

In conclusion, temperature control is an essential part of the steel-making process in the continuous casting and reheating furnace. The key to successful temperature control is the ability to monitor and adjust the temperature as needed. This is accomplished through the use of a furnace controller and temperature lamp. Proper usage of these components ensures that the furnace will maintain the desired temperature range for optimal steel-making conditions, cooling and storage.

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