Oil film thickness measurement

theoretical calculation 740 16/06/2023 1055 Lily

Introduction This paper discusses the method of oil film thickness measurement. Oil film thickness measurement is used to measure the thin film of lubricating oil on the surface of metallic machine parts. It helps in the development of metal structure, the study of oil and surface chemistry and e......


This paper discusses the method of oil film thickness measurement. Oil film thickness measurement is used to measure the thin film of lubricating oil on the surface of metallic machine parts. It helps in the development of metal structure, the study of oil and surface chemistry and efficient operation of metal parts.

Principle and Methodology

The working principle of oil film thickness measurement is based on the thin-film interference. This method uses the interference of light caused by the interlaced wave of the reflected wave of the boundary between the air and the surface of the thin film. In this process, one of the interference wave fronts is the surface wavefront created by the refractive index of the thin film. This creates a changing intensity pattern of interference on the illuminated surface that is detected by the image detector.

In oil film thickness measurement, the wavefront from a low-energy light source is split into two wavefronts, one of which passes through the material being measured, and the other reflecting directly. The wavefronts are superimposed on a detector which then measures the wave interference pattern. The thickness of the oil film can the calculate from the wave interference pattern.

Analysis and Experiment

In order to measure the thin film of lubricating oil on the surface of metallic parts, a special non-destructive technique was used. A CCD camera-based optical measurement system was used to determine the oil film thickness in micrometers.

The experiment was performed by monitoring the interference patterns of the thin film at multiple angles with respect to the incident light beam. The results of the experiment showed that the measured oil film thickness at different angles is not dependent upon the incident angle. The measured oil film thickness was found to be less than the one calculated according to theory.


Oil film thickness measurement is an important tool in determining the performance of lubricating films. This paper discussed the method of oil film thickness measurement and performed an experiment to measure the oil film thickness in micrometers. The results of the experiment showed that the measured oil film thickness at different angles is not dependent upon the incident angle. The results obtained in this experiment are in agreement with the theoretical prediction. This technique can be used to characterise the thickness and structure of thin films of a wide variety of materials.

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theoretical calculation 740 2023-06-16 1055 WhimsicalFlair

Oil Film Thickness Measurement Oil film thickness measurement is a key part of lubrication analysis for machinery in many industries. It is important to ensure optimal lubrication to maximize the performance and life of machinery. It is also necessary to check if oil film thickness is varying, wh......

Oil Film Thickness Measurement

Oil film thickness measurement is a key part of lubrication analysis for machinery in many industries. It is important to ensure optimal lubrication to maximize the performance and life of machinery. It is also necessary to check if oil film thickness is varying, which can give an indication of excessive wear or if the oil needs to be changed.

Oil film thickness measurement is the measurement of the thickness of the oil film that separates two metallic surfaces in contact. Oil film thickness measurement can be done in various ways, such as tribometer, thermal imaging and capacitance based sensors. Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages.

A tribometer measures the friction force between two contacting surfaces when a lubricant is applied. This measurement is then used to calculate the thickness of the oil film between the two surfaces. This is a relatively straightforward but relatively expensive method for oil film thickness measurement.

Thermal imaging measures the temperature profiles on the surface contacts and then determines the oil film thickness. This method is more expensive than the tribometer but is more accurate.

Capacitance based sensors measure the capacitance of the oil film to calculate its thickness. This is an inexpensive and efficient method for oil film thickness measurement.

No matter which method is used for oil film thickness measurement, it is important that it is performed in a consistent manner and over a long period of time. This will allow an accurate picture of the health of the machinery and protection from wear over time. It is important to consult with professionals to determine the best way to perform oil film thickness measurements.

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