Liquid steel preparation for continuous casting

Continuous casting 314 1028 Evelyn。

Continuous Casting of Steel Preparation Continuous casting of steel is one of the most efficient and cost-effective methods of producing high-quality steel products. It is an important process in the modern steel industry and is used for the production of billets, blooms, slabs and other steel pr......

Continuous Casting of Steel Preparation

Continuous casting of steel is one of the most efficient and cost-effective methods of producing high-quality steel products. It is an important process in the modern steel industry and is used for the production of billets, blooms, slabs and other steel products. The major steps in the continuous casting process include pre-casting preparation, preparation of the mold, casting and the post-casting operations.

Pre-casting preparation involves aspects such as heating, degassing and desulfurizing the steel. This is necessary in order to enhance the quality of the steel and to reduce the risk of contamination during the casting process. The steel is heated to the desired temperature to ensure efficient heating of the die or caster. Degassing is necessary to remove any dissolved oxygen or other impurities that may be present in the steel, while desulfurization is used to reduce or eliminate the presence of sulfur. Once the steel has been pre-heated, degassed and desulfurized, it is ready to be poured into the die or caster.

Before casting, the mold must be prepared to receive the steel. This includes machining the mold to the desired shape and size, and making sure that it is free of any defects. The mold must be sufficiently thick to withstand the pressures and stresses generated during the casting process. The die must also be heated to the desired temperature in order to ensure proper casting of the steel.

Once the mold is ready and the steel has been poured into the die, the casting can begin. The molten steel is poured into the mold and then allowed to solidify. This process can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours depending on the size and shape of the product being cast. As the steel cools and solidifies, impurities are removed through desulfurization as well as other means, and small pieces of slag may be formed at the surface.

The post-casting operations may involve trimming and finishing of the cast product. Trimming of the product is needed in order to remove any unevenness or defects that may exist, while finishing is necessary to create a smooth and uniform surface. This is typically done using grinding, buffing, polishing or other methods.

In conclusion, the preparation and process of continuous casting of steel can be a complex and involved process. However, the end result is typically an efficient and cost-effective method of producing high-quality steel products. Pre-casting preparation and preparation of the die or caster are necessary for a successful casting process, while post-casting operations such as trimming and finishing allow for a superior finished product.

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