Dolomite refractories

Refractories 554 1035 Oliver

Introduction White Yunshi is a kind of refractory material, also known as corundite or Yixing quartzite, which has been used in areas requiring high temperature or chemical resistance due to its low porosity, high density and excellent durability. With the advantages of low thermal expansion coef......


White Yunshi is a kind of refractory material, also known as corundite or Yixing quartzite, which has been used in areas requiring high temperature or chemical resistance due to its low porosity, high density and excellent durability. With the advantages of low thermal expansion coefficient, high strength. The refractory quartzite has many physical and chemical properties that make it ideal for high-temperature industrial applications.


White Yunshi is divided according to different industrial uses, including: heat insulation brick, high temperature furnace brick, high strength brick, andalusite brick, clay brick and magnesium brick. According to grain size, it is divided into three types: coarse gray and black, gray and black, and the finest gray and white. According to the shape of Yunshi, the block can be divided into half-block and cube. Other forms include tubes and plates. In China, the most common is gray black and gray white, which are also called Yixing white Yunshi and black Yunshi.

Product characteristics

White Yunshi has a low porosity, high compressive strength and good thermal stability. It can withstand more than 2000℃ in different types of working environment such as chemical, thermal and mechanical load. With superior refractory features, White Yunshi can reduce energy consumption and increase the efficiency of related production processes. The main components of white Yunshi are mainly silicate, which not only has excellent heat resistance, but also a certain capacity of acid and alkali resistance, so it is a very good material for chemical industry.


White Yunshi has a wide range of applications, from steel-making, petrochemical to glass and ceramic industries, due to its outstanding performance.

1.In steel indutry:

White Yunshi is used in steel industry as a refractory material for removing slag and spatters. White Yunshi can also be used to manufacture chemical furnaces, electric arc furnaces, ladles, blast furnaces and converters.

2.In petroleum and chemical industries:

White Yunshi can be used in heat-resistant components, such as chemical reaction furnaces, converter towers, absorbers, evaporators and flue gas secondary reformer tubes. In addition, white Yunshi can be used in oil combustion equipment pipelines, and even used in chemical equipment that needs to withstand exposure to chemical media and gaseous substances.

3.In glass and ceramic industry:

White Yunshi is also widely used in glass and ceramics industry. Its weather resistance, non-flammability and excellent heat dissipation performance make it an ideal material for furnace bricks, furnace walls, furnace doors and other components in glass and ceramic production line. In addition, it is also used to make high-temperature crucible for smelting non-ferrous metals.


White Yunshi has become an important refractory material in many industries, widely used in steel-making, petrochemical, glass and ceramic production. It has good refractory performance and can help users reduce energy consumption, improve efficiency and save costs. That is why white Yunshi is used widely in many famous factories.

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