Structure and Working Principle of Continuous Feeding Device (CFW)
1 Introduction
Continuous feeding device, also known as CFW, is a kind of device that can provide continuous, automated and accurate control of feed supply. It is widely used in the industries of food, chemical, biological products to ensure that the material is fed evenly, accurately and continuously,in order to meet the production requirements.
2 Structural composition
2.1 Weight measuring device
The CFW consists of a hopper, a screw conveyor, an auger conveyor and a weighing system. The hopper is used to feed the material into the machine and the screw conveyor can transport materials horizontally or vertically. The auger conveyor is used to convey materials over long distances and the weighing system is used to measure the exact weight of the materials.
2.2 Control system
The control system of the CFW consists of a controller, a set of sensors and a set of motors. The controller is used to collect data from the sensors and to adjust the speed of the motors so that the exact weight of the material can be fed into the machine. The sensors can collect data such as air pressure, temperature and humidity which is used by the controller to adjust the speed of the motors. The motors are connected to the screw conveyor and auger conveyor to move the material through the machine.
3 Working Principle
3.1 The filling process
When the CFW is in operation, the material is fed into the hopper, and the weight of the material is measured by the weight measuring system. The measured weight is then sent to the controller and the controller will adjust the speed of the motor to achieve the required amount of feed. The motor will then move the material through the screw conveyor and auger conveyor to the desired location.
3.2 The material distribution process
The material is then distributed to the desired location by the auger conveyor. The auger conveyor will rotate at a certain speed and the speed will be adjusted by the controller to ensure that the material is evenly distributed to the exact location.
4 Conclusion
The CFW is a device that can provide continuous, automated and accurate control of feed supply. It consists of a hopper, a screw conveyor, an auger conveyor and a weighing system. The controller is used to collect data from the sensors and to adjust the speed of the motors in order to achieve the exact weight of the material. The auger conveyor will rotate at a certain speed and the speed will be adjusted by the controller to ensure that the material is evenly distributed to the exact location. This device is widely used in different industries to ensure that the material is fed evenly and accurately.