Problems that should be paid attention to when construction machinery needs to be stored for a long time

Long-term Storage of Construction Machinery Construction sites tend to consist of several pieces of equipment and machinery that are used to complete various tasks. When finished with a task, efforts must be taken to properly store this machinery on-site in order to maintain its condition, as wel......

Long-term Storage of Construction Machinery

Construction sites tend to consist of several pieces of equipment and machinery that are used to complete various tasks. When finished with a task, efforts must be taken to properly store this machinery on-site in order to maintain its condition, as well as being able to quickly get it back into action when needed. During extended periods of inactivity, additional attention must be paid to the storage of construction machinery. Potential consequences of long-term storage of construction machinery can include damage from the elements, regular maintenance tasks being neglected, or the machinery becoming obsolete. The following provides an overview of long-term storage of construction machinery, as well as how to best maintain these pieces of equipment.

Storage Location

The right location to store construction machinery is of utmost importance. Poor location could increase the risk of the machinery being damaged due to the elements, along with potentially making it a target for theft. If stored outdoors, the construction machinery should be stored in an area that will offer the most protection from the environment and the elements. Covering or wrapping the machinery with a tarp or other material can also help protect it from the elements. In addition, the storage area should be selected with access points taken into consideration (e.g., if stored on a slope, carefully consider if entry/exit will be possible).

In order to provide the most secure storage for construction machinery, it should, if possible, be stored indoors. Not only does this provide the most protection from the elements, but it is an effective way to deter thieves or damage from other sources.

Regular Maintenance

One of the most important aspects of proper long-term storage of construction machinery is to establish a regular maintenance schedule and stick to it. Neglecting this maintenance can lead to serious damage that could render the machinery unusable, potentially resulting in costly repairs. This is especially true of older machinery, since its parts may be more prone to wear-and-tear due to age. Check lubrication, fluids, and other vital components to ensure they are in working condition and are not needing replenishment. In addition, visual checks should be ongoing to ensure there is no discoloration, rust, or damage to the machinery.

Updates to Technology

Constructing machinery that is on extended periods of inactivity might eventually become obsolete due to updates in technology. It is important to regularly check for updates and advances in the industry, so that construction machinery can remain as relevant as possible. This ensures that the machinery is ready to go once it is once again put into use.


Whenever machinery is present at a construction site, regardless of the length of storage, security should be of utmost concern. Construction sites will typically house equipment that is of significant value, and it can be a target for theft. Taking steps to install security measures, including adding locked gates and motion-detecting cameras, can help deter thieves and ensure the safety of the construction machinery.


Long-term storage of construction machinery is an important consideration that should always be taken into account on construction sites. Potential issues related to long-term storage can include damage due to the elements, neglect of regular maintenance tasks, and the machinery becoming obsolete over time. Implementing the right steps for storing construction machinery, such as selecting the right location and being aware of potential security risks, can help protect it from harm.

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