ML35CrMo cold heading steel

Special Steel 525 25/06/2023 1043 Avery

35CrMo steel is a medium carbon alloy steel which is widely used in the industrial and construction engineering sector because of its toughness and ductility. It is a low alloy Cr-Mo steel containing chromium and molybdenum elements with a carbon content ranging between 0.35 and 0.45 percent. The......

35CrMo steel is a medium carbon alloy steel which is widely used in the industrial and construction engineering sector because of its toughness and ductility. It is a low alloy Cr-Mo steel containing chromium and molybdenum elements with a carbon content ranging between 0.35 and 0.45 percent. The alloy is a kind of medium carbon steel with high strength, good hardenability, toughness and machinability.

35CrMo steel is also widely used in jet engines, landing gear and other parts, where during operation high temperatures are reached and the requirement for high strength is observed.

The following are the major applications of 35CrMo steel:

• Cutlery: 35CrMo steel is mainly used to form cutlery and is especially recommended for cutlery with high strength and wear resistance.

• Automotive components: In the automotive sector, 35CrMo steel is used for the manufacture of various automotive components and other parts where strength, hardness and wear resistance are a high priority.

• Oil and gas sector: 35CrMo steel is used for the manufacture of various oil and gas industry components and parts.

• Power generating plants: 35CrMo steel is used for the manufacture of various power generating plant components and parts.

• Boilers and pipes: 35CrMo steel is used to form boilers and pipes with high strength and heat resistance.

• Progressors, bearings and fasteners: 35CrMo steel is also used for the manufacture of various progressors, bearings, fasteners and other parts where strength and wear resistance are important.

The properties of 35CrMo steel that make it suitable for a wide range of industrial applications include its good hardenability, which leads to good resistance to thermal shock and higher load carrying capacity; high strength and ductility; excellent weldability and machinability; excellent wear resistance; and good corrosion resistance.

The heat treatment of 35CrMo steel is normally carried out by heating it slowly to a temperature of between 750 and 800 °C, followed by quenching in an oil bath. This process is then followed by normalizing and tempering. The tempering temperature depends on the hardness required and ranges from 150 to 500 °C.

35CrMo steel can be subjected to a variety of surface treatments such as painting, galvanizing, phosphating and shot blasting. This is done to increase the surface hardness and reduce corrosion.

In summary, 35CrMo steel is a low alloy Cr-Mo steel containing chromium and molybdenum elements with a carbon content ranging between 0.35 and 0.45 percent. It is mainly used to form cutlery, automotive components, oil and gas industry components and parts, power generating plant components and parts, boilers and pipes, progressors, bearings and fasteners. This steel is used in a wide range of applications owing to its good hardenability, high strength and ductility, excellent weldability and machinability, excellent wear resistance and good corrosion resistance. The heat treatment of 35CrMo steel involves heating it up to a temperature between 750 and 800 °C, followed by quenching in an oil bath and then further tempering.

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Special Steel 525 2023-06-25 1043 LuminousJade

: AISI 4135CrMo cold headed steel is a heat treatable, low alloy Steel that contains chromium, molybdenum, and manganese. This versatile material has good hardenability, strength, wear resistance, toughness, and ductility. Its yield strength of 235 ksi (1630 MPa) is higher than that of most common......

AISI 4135CrMo cold headed steel is a heat treatable, low alloy Steel that contains chromium, molybdenum, and manganese. This versatile material has good hardenability, strength, wear resistance, toughness, and ductility. Its yield strength of 235 ksi (1630 MPa) is higher than that of most commonly used cold headed steels and its elongation percentage is also better.

AISI 4135CrMo cold headed steel is primarily used to produce cold headed components such as pins, rivets, screws, nuts and bolts with high strength and toughness. It is also widely used in industries such as automotive, mining and construction. In addition, it is suitable for a variety of applications such as bearing races, bearing surfaces, and structural members.

AISI 4135CrMo steel contains 0.35 % of carbon that helps in increasing strength and hardness. It also increases its wear resistance. Molybdenum present in the steel gives it good toughness and ductility while chromium imparts corrosion resistance. These features make AISI 4135CrMo cold headed steel an excellent choice for a variety of applications.

The mechanical properties of AISI 4135CrMo cold headed steel can be improved by proper heat treatment. The suitable heat treatment process for this steel involves austenitizing followed by quenching and tempering. The austenitizing temperature for this steel ranges from 830-880°C and it should be quenched in hot oil or liquid salt bath. The tempering temperature can vary from 370 to 675°C depending on its intended application.

Finally, AISI 4135CrMo cold headed steel is an excellent material for a number of applications due to its high strength and toughness, excellent wear resistance and ductility. With proper heat treatments, it can achieve its optimum mechanical properties for specific application needs.

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