GB16409 Plate Heat Exchanger Product Safety Registration Management Measures

Product Safety Registration Management Method for GB16409-2006 Plate Heat Exchanger In order to standardize the product safety registration management of plate heat exchangers and ensure the legitimate rights of consumers and users, the provisions are formulated according to the requirements of r......

Product Safety Registration Management Method for GB16409-2006 Plate Heat Exchanger

In order to standardize the product safety registration management of plate heat exchangers and ensure the legitimate rights of consumers and users, the provisions are formulated according to the requirements of related laws and regulations.

1. Scope of Application

This method applies to the product safety registration of GB 16409-2006 plate heat exchangers (hereinafter referred to as “products”) used in China.

2. Review Contents

The product safety registration shall cover the basic performance, safety sign, certification mark, technical information and inspection report, etc.

2.1 Basic Performance

Applicants shall provide product design drawings, drawings and technical parameters. The design drawings, drawings and required parameters shall accordance with GB16409-2006 standards.

2.2 Safety Mark

The products must have a nameplate identification text mark, indicating the name and address of the applicant, name and type of the product, rated pressure, rated working temperature, safety sign, product certification mark and composition or weight, etc.

2.3 Certification Marks

Products must be affixed with quality inspection and certification marks. The certification marks of products used in mainland China shall meet the requirements of GB 30495; the certification marks of products used in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan shall meet the requirements of the relevant certification requirements and laws and regulations of the local area.

2.4 Technical Information

The application shall provide a detailed introduction to the products in accordance with the standards and regulations, including the name and address of the applicant, the name, type and purpose of the product, the composition and structure of the important parts, the corresponding performance, principle and installation method, the data requirements and range of the parameters, the meaning of the safety signs, and the special requirements for the product safety conditions, etc.

2.5 Inspection Report

The registration applicant shall submit a report on inspection results and optional equipment status issued by the qualified testing institution. The report shall include inspection contents, technical parameters and test results, etc.

3. Application Procedure

3.1 Preparation of the application documents

The applicant applies for the product safety registration and prepares related application documents.

3.2 Submitted to the Registration Department

The applicant shall submit the application documents, registration fee and inspection report to the registration department.

3.3 Registration Department Review

The registration department shall review the accuracy and rationality of the contents of the technical documents in accordance with the provisions of the method.

3.4 Registration Department Issues Registration Certificate

If the review is qualified, the registration department will issue a registration certificate.

3.5 After-sales Service

The applicant shall be responsible to the user for the quality and performance of the registered product, and provide after-sales service in accordance with the product specification.

4. Obligations and Rights of the Registration Applicant

4.1 The applicant shall take effective measures to ensure the product safety and design, manufacture and sell products in accordance with laws and regulations.

4.2 The applicant shall accept the review and inspection of the registration department and provide truthful, accurate and complete application documents.

4.3 The applicant has the right to know the review opinions and results of the registration department during the registration procedure.

4.4 The applicant has the right to request rescission or amendment of the registered product.

5. Supervision and Administration

5.1 The registration department shall supervise and inspect the products listed on the product safety registration list.

5.2 The registration department shall have the right to cancel or change the registration certificate if the registered product does not meet the safety requirements of the product.

5.3 If the product registration applicant violates the provisions of these regulations, the registration department shall have the right to impose penalty in accordance with the relevant regulations.

6. Entry into Force

This product safety registration management method shall take effect from the date of signing by the registration department.

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