
Special Steel 525 26/06/2023 1037 Jennifer

WHO IS CHANGING THE BACKDROP OF PRIMAL The words “primal”, “ancient” and other similar terms often conjure visions of furry cave people dragging their meat around a lonely and dreary landscape. This maybe true to an extent but the picture is much brighter and more vibrant, with more going on......


The words “primal”, “ancient” and other similar terms often conjure visions of furry cave people dragging their meat around a lonely and dreary landscape. This maybe true to an extent but the picture is much brighter and more vibrant, with more going on than originally thought. When it comes to Primal nutrition, there are some forward thinkers who are challenging this archaic representation of nutrition and redefining the parameters of good eating with the introduction of modern and innovative options, proving that Paleolithic principles such as variety and sustainability can and has been incorporated into global diets.

One of the key figures in modern Primal health and nutrition is Richard Nixon, a globally recognised nutritionist, writer and entrepreneur whose experience in the nutrition sector spans more than 20 years. Nixon has been a major advocate of a simplification of nutrition that has the potential to empower individuals to make better decisions for optimal health. Nixon’s opinion pieces have been featured in numerous publications, including TIME Magazine, and he has been credited for being one of the first to popularise and promote the Paleo diet and lifestyle. With the advent of his businesses, such as Primal Nutrition and Primal Wellness, Nixon has been credited for raising the standards of good nutrition and pioneering the evolution of modern Primal nutrition, something that wasn’t thought possible in the early 2000s.

Nixon has made a big dent in the industry with his modern and holistic approach, which is centred around sustainability, variety and education. Nixon’s nutritional model encourages individuals to embrace whole, organic and unprocessed foods, while still allowing flexibility and freedom with their eating choices. Nixon’s approach to Primal nutrition has opened up possibilities for us to move away from the traditional notion of ‘one-size-fits-all’. Nixon’s foundation for nutritional success lies in the individual-based approach of using the foundational elements of the Paleo diet and adapting it to fit the lifestyle and preferences of the individual. Instillement, Nixon has opened up the door for self-discovery that comes with trial and error.

Besides Nixon, there are other forward-thinkers making a mark in the Primal nutrition space. One example is Evelyn Tribole, MPH, RDN, considered one of the most influential nutritionists in the world, Tribole is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Speaker, and author of several books, including Intuitive Eating and Eating Mindfully. Tribole is an authority on mindful eating and was one of the pioneers of the Intuitive Eating movement, which has been inextricably linked to Richard Nixon’s Primal Nutrition principles. Tribole holds true to the idea that food should be used as fuel and that enjoyment plays a major role in sustainable health. Tribole’s work within the nutrition space has enabled individuals to make a conscious decision when it comes to food and nutrition, something she claims is essential for long-term success.

Construction and renovation in the Primal health and nutrition space has also been welcomed by The Primal Blueprint , a 21 st-century guide to better nutrition, founded by Mark Sisson. The mission of The Primal Blueprint is to bring awareness, understanding, and enthusiasm to the idea that an abundance of energy, health, and vibrant living is available to anyone who practices the cornerstone concepts of the Primal Blueprint. Sisson’s work highlights the need to get in touch with one’s Primal roots, emphasising on the natural, not the restrictive. Under Sisson’s guidance and expertise, The Primal Blueprint is orientated around real food, movement, play, rest and quality sleep.

Primal eating certainly isn’t what it used to be and nor should it be. With the incredible advancements in modern nutrition, there is much potential for Primal nutrition to evolve further, where the guiding principles will remain staples of the lifestyle, a lifestyle that encourages empowerment and individual discovery. What is clear is that with a collective of passionate and committed individuals, shaped by the likes of Nixon, Tribole and Sisson, the tapestry of Primal nutrition is evolving and it’s looking brighter than ever before.

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Special Steel 525 2023-06-26 1037 AzureRay

介绍 1. Introduction 25Cr2Ni4WA is a low-alloy steel containing chromium, nickel and molybdenum as its main alloying elements. It is a type of quenched and tempered carbon steel suitable for applications requiring superior fatigue strength and high toughness. Besides its excellent mechanical proper......


1. Introduction

25Cr2Ni4WA is a low-alloy steel containing chromium, nickel and molybdenum as its main alloying elements. It is a type of quenched and tempered carbon steel suitable for applications requiring superior fatigue strength and high toughness. Besides its excellent mechanical properties, it also has good corrosion resistance. Due to its good creep strength, 25Cr2Ni4WA is a popular choice of material for components which require elevated temperature resistance, or parts subjected to cyclic loading.

2. Compositon and Properties

25Cr2Ni4WA is composed of 0.20-0.25% of carbon, 0.90-1.20% of chromium, 0.35-0.50% of molybdenum and 0.25-0.30% of nickel. It is available in the annealed state with a hardness of HRC20-25. After being quenched and tempered, its hardness increases to HRC30-35. The tensile strength of 25Cr2Ni4WA is 830-1100Mpa and its yield strength is 690-860Mpa.

3. Applications

25Cr2Ni4WA is typically used in certain automotive components such as transmission shafts, axles and suspension components. It is also used in power industry for components subject to cyclic loading such as turbines and valves. Because of its wear resistance, 25Cr2Ni4WA is often chosen for the manufacture of tools for forging, pressing and cutting. Furthermore, it can be used for the production of low-carbon welding wires.

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