Simple Diagnosis of Agricultural Vehicle Faults

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Agricultural Transportation Vehicle Failure Simple Diagnosis Nowadays, agricultural transportation has become an indispensable and extremely important means of transportation. However, due to various reasons and the environment encountered during use, agricultural transportation vehicles often en......

Agricultural Transportation Vehicle Failure Simple Diagnosis

Nowadays, agricultural transportation has become an indispensable and extremely important means of transportation. However, due to various reasons and the environment encountered during use, agricultural transportation vehicles often encounter various faults. Therefore, in order to ensure the safety of agricultural transportation and reduce economic losses, failure simple diagnosis of agricultural transportation vehicles is essential.

Failure simple diagnoses of agricultural transportation vehicles include vehicle power failure diagnosis and failure cause analysis. Power failures are often related to engine fuel supply, ignition system, and exhaust system. Faulty power supply is usually caused by poor fuel quality, air filter blockage, insufficient fuel supply, faulty fuel injection pump, faulty spark plug, poor delay valve adjustment, etc. For exhaust system failure, the main cause is poor adjustment of the carburetor, poor engine cooling, faulty exhaust system, etc. In addition, leaks in the throttle pipe, ignition system, electrical system and air inlet pipe may also cause power failures.

In order to quickly and accurately diagnose the power failure of agricultural transportation vehicles, we should first check the intake system and fueling system of vehicles. By checking the filter, adjusting the carburetor, and disassembling the injection pump to see if there is a carbon deposit, we can find out the cause of the failure. If there are no problems in these parts, we can turn to check the circuit system of the vehicle. This includes checking the spark plug, ignition coil, distributor and battery cable. If there are breakdowns in these parts, we should replace them immediately to solve the problem.

In addition, the failure cause analysis of agricultural transportation vehicles should also include vibration component tests. This includes vehicle balance testing and vibration component test. Balance testing involves static balance, dynamic balance and basic balance. The static balance is to detect the center of gravity of the component by placing it on a horizontal surface; the dynamic balance test is to detect the balancing parameters of the rotation component at different speeds; and the basic balance test is to use a device for calibration, zero setting and check the correction of work.

Vibration component test is to use special instruments and equipment to measure the vibration parameters of a single component or a certain structure of components. Through the vibration parameters and repair technological process of the assembly components, the cause of its failure is identified.

In conclusion, failure simple diagnosis of agricultural transportation vehicles is very important in ensuring the safety of transportation and reducing economic losses. The key of failure simple diagnoses of agricultural transportation vehicles involves vehicle power failure diagnosis and failure cause analysis, mainly including checking the intake system, fueling system, circuit system, static balance, dynamic balance, basic balance and vibration component tests. Nowadays, many modern scientific instruments and equipment are available to help us accurately diagnose the agricultural transportation vehicles and improve efficiency.

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