Electric furnace tin smelting

Introduction Soldering is a process that is often used in the manufacturing of electronic components, as well as other items. The object of soldering is to join two pieces of metal together, usually with a wire or a flux. In order to create the bond, it requires the application of a rosin or flux......


Soldering is a process that is often used in the manufacturing of electronic components, as well as other items. The object of soldering is to join two pieces of metal together, usually with a wire or a flux. In order to create the bond, it requires the application of a rosin or flux, which are designed to keep the pieces of metal from oxidizing, as well as aiding in setting the solder wire.

In the past, soldering iron tips were used to apply the solder, but with the development of electrical furnaces, the process has changed. An electrical furnace can now heat the two pieces of metal to be joined to the point where solder flows easily. This is called “heat soldering” and is used in many industries.

The Process

The process of soldering with an electrical furnace makes use of a flux material, which is a paste that is applied on the two pieces of metal that are to be joined. This is because the flux helps to draw away oxidization, as well as helping to set the solder wire. Once the two pieces of metals have been treated with the flux, they are then placed in the furnace and heated until the solder melts and flows.

The temperature of the furnace is extremely important and too low or too high of a temperature can actually damage the parts and cause them to oxidize. Typically, when heat soldering with an electrical furnace, the temperature should be between 350°F and 500°F (177°C and 260°C), depending on the type of solder that is being used.


By using an electrical furnace for soldering, there are certain advantages that can be gained. For starters, the temperature of the furnace can be closely monitored, ensuring that the pieces of metal are not heated up too quickly. Furthermore, using an electrical furnace greatly reduces the time it takes to solder, since the setup is much simpler than using a soldering iron.

Additionally, electrical furnaces are designed to provide consistent heat over a large surface area, so the chance of a burn on the metal being soldered is eliminated.


Soldering with an electrical furnace can be a great way to quickly and easily solder two pieces of metal together. By using a flux material and setting the temperature of the furnace to the proper level, it is possible to ensure that the job is done well and quickly. While the process may require more initial setup than soldering with a soldering iron, the advantages of using this process can make it worth the effort.

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