Essential noise is described as an interference in the signal of a system which cannot be eliminated by simple filtering techniques. It is an undesired noise which doesn’t depend on the flow of electrical energy or heat. It is a random electrical fluctuation by nature. Essential noise is created by the characteristics of a system and is commonly found in electronic systems. It is also known as intrinsic noise.
Types of Essential Noise
There are various types of essential noise that can be found in electronic systems. Thermal noise is one of the most common types of essential noise. It is created by thermal agitation of electrons and is directly proportional to temperature. Shot noise is another type of essential noise which is created due to the random arrival of electrons in a circuit element. Flicker noise is generated due to random fluctuations in the current. Additionally, there is noise generated by leakage current and noise generated due to manufacturing defects and material impurities which can also be classified as essential noise.
Factors Affecting Essential Noise
The presence of essential noise in any electronic system depends on many factors. Temperature of the electronic components is one of the most important factors. With the increase in temperature the thermal noise increases, thus it is important to keep the temperature of the components very low. Additionally, the size and nature of the circuit components also affects the amount of essential noise observed. The type of materials and the manufacturing defects have an influence on this noise as well.
Control of Essential Noise
The essential noise of an electronic system can be controlled by several methods. One of the most common methods is by increasing the bandwidth of the signal, which reduces the amount of essential noise present. Additionally, increasing the sample rate helps to reduce this noise as well. Using proper noise-filtering circuits also helps to reduce the effect of essential noise. Another commonly used method is to reduce the temperature of the components, as mentioned earlier the higher the temperature, the higher the noise. Lastly, proper design of the circuit components is essential to reduce the essential noise of an electronic system.
Essential noise is an undesired interference in an electronic system which cannot be eliminated by simple filtering techniques. It is a random electrical fluctuation which normally occurs due to the characteristics of a system. There are various types of essential noise such as thermal noise, shot noise and flicker noise. The presence of this noise greatly depends on temperatures and size of components, as well as the manufacturing defects and material impurities. Control of essential noise can be done by increasing the bandwidth, sample rate and using noise-filtering circuits. Lastly, proper design of the components is essential to reduce the essential noise of an electronic system.