Causes and Troubleshooting of Agricultural Tricycles Deviation

Causes and Troubleshooting of three-wheeled Agricultural Cart Deflection Abstract Three-wheeled farmers’ carts are commonly used in agricultural production and transportation. However, the three-wheeled cart may be in a condition of deviation during use, and the causes of such problems and solu......

Causes and Troubleshooting of three-wheeled Agricultural Cart Deflection


Three-wheeled farmers’ carts are commonly used in agricultural production and transportation. However, the three-wheeled cart may be in a condition of deviation during use, and the causes of such problems and solutions will be detailed in this paper.

Keywords: Three-wheeled cart; Deflection; Causes; Solutions

1. Introduction

Three-wheeled farmer’s carts are widely used in agricultural production, for transporting goods and for commuters. The three-wheeled farmer’s cart is small, flexible and easy to use, which is why it is still popular today. However, during use, some problems such as the cart deviation will occur. In order to increase the efficiency and security of the use of three-wheeled farmer’s carts, the causes of the cart’s deviation and solutions should be analyzed in this article.

2. Causes of the Cart’s Deflection

The main reason for the deflection of the three-wheeled cart is that its wheels are out of balance or not in a straight line. The following experiences can quickly identify whether the cart is out of balance or not in a straight line.

Experience one: Put the cart on an inclined plane. If the cart is balanced, it will slide down with the inclined plane. If it slides to one side, it proves that the wheels of the cart have deflection and need to be adjusted.

Experience two: When the cart is in use, the handle should be pointed forward, and the cart should move in a straight line. If the cart turns in one direction during operation, it shows that the wheels on one side of the cart are deflected.

3. Solutions

Once the problem is identified, its cause can be determined and the corresponding solution can be implemented.

3.1 Wheels are Out of Balance.

The main solution to this problem is to adjust the balance of each wheel. First, check the bolt nut of each wheel to ensure that it is tightened. Then, check the tightness of the tire, adjust the flatness of the tire, and finally, adjust the balance of the wheel by adding a balance weight. After adjusting each wheel, the cart can be tested on the inclined plane to confirm that the balance is good.

3.2 Wheels Are Not in a Straight Line.

First, adjust the angle of the wheels. To do this, check first whether the tie-rod is bent or not. If the tie-rod is bent, it should be straightened first with a wrench. Then, check the pin at the tie-rod for any wear or corrosion, and replace any parts that have been worn or corroded. Finally, adjust the angle of the wheel with a wrench and test the wheel to ensure that it is in a straight line.

4. Conclusion

The three-wheeled agricultural cart is an important vehicle to transport goods in agricultural production. However, during use, it may deviate in a certain direction. In order to ensure the safety and efficiency of the cart, the causes of the cart’s deflection and corresponding solutions should be analyzed and self-check. It is necessary to check whether the wheel is out of balance or not in a straight line, and carry out the corresponding treatment in time. By analyzing the causes and corresponding solutions of the three-wheeled cart’s deflection in this article, it is hoped that the use of three-wheeled farmers’ carts can be carried out safely and efficiently.

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