shale gas

fuel 36 1031 Sophia

Shale Gas Shale gas is a type of natural gas that is found trapped within shale formations. Over the past decade, this unconventional method of gas extraction has become increasingly popular due to its relative abundance, cost effectiveness, and low environmental impact compared to conventional m......

Shale Gas

Shale gas is a type of natural gas that is found trapped within shale formations. Over the past decade, this unconventional method of gas extraction has become increasingly popular due to its relative abundance, cost effectiveness, and low environmental impact compared to conventional methods.

Shale gas is extracted by drilling vertically into a shale formation and then drilling horizontally along the length of the formation. The process is then completed by completing a hydraulic fracturing process which is used to create fractures in the rock and access pockets of trapped gas.

Shale gas has some significant advantages over conventional gas sources. Firstly, shale gas is abundant, with vast reserves located around the world. This means that it is possible to supply large amounts of gas quickly and affordably. Secondly, shale gas is relatively clean in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, as it is composed of predominantly lower hydrocarbons (compared to coal and oil) which burn considerably cleaner. Lastly, shale gas can be extracted much more quickly than conventional sources, as each well can produce significant amounts of gas for over 20 years with minimal air pollution caused by drilling and hydraulic fracturing activities.

However, there are some drawbacks associated with shale gas that cannot be overlooked. Firstly, the extraction process has been linked with water pollution due to the possibility that compounds used in the hydraulic fracturing may have been released into water supplies. In addition, the process of drilling and fracking is loud and can disturb the surrounding environment.

Shale gas is an increasingly popular source of natural gas due to its abundance, cost-effectiveness, and relatively low environmental impact. Despite some associated drawbacks, advances in extraction technology mean that this type of natural gas is becoming more and more appealing to energy suppliers as a reliable, clean source of energy.

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