High-quality carbon structural steel cold-rolled strip GB 3522-83

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High-Quality Carbon Structural Steel Cold-Rolled Steel Strips GB 3522-83 High-Quality Carbon Structural Steel Cold-Rolled Steel Strips GB 3522-83 is a kind of high-quality carbon structural steel cold-rolled steel strip, produced according to Chinese national standard GB/T 3522-83. This steel belon......

High-Quality Carbon Structural Steel Cold-Rolled Steel Strips GB 3522-83 High-Quality Carbon Structural Steel Cold-Rolled Steel Strips GB 3522-83 is a kind of high-quality carbon structural steel cold-rolled steel strip, produced according to Chinese national standard GB/T 3522-83. This steel belongs to medium carbon steel and belongs to C series. Its chemical composition is characterized by small amount of impurities, low content of sulfur and phosphorus, large grain size, and fine particle size. In terms of mechanical properties, this adheres to the requirements of GB/T 700-88, with high strength and good plasticity. It has high strength, good hardenability and good torsion resistance, but poor weldability.

This carbon structural steel cold-rolled steel strip is mainly used for machinery parts and construction parts that need drawing and bending, such as general machinery and construction parts, heavy machinery parts, agricultural machinery parts and air compressor parts. Commonly used for cold-formed, forming and bending parts, such as automotive parts, hardware, furniture, etc.

GB 3522-83 requires that the total sulfur content of high-quality carbon structural steel cold-rolled steel strips should not be more than 0.05%. GB 3522-83 has specified the chemical composition range of this steel type, which shows the maximum allowable value of each chemical component. This steel has a good ability of drawing and bending, which can meet the requirements of its application.

The high-quality carbon structural steel cold-rolled steel strip has a good ability of drawing and bending. In addition to guarantee its strength and plasticity, it also has a certain elongation and a wide variety of uses. In addition, due to its superior anti-fatigue properties, it is also the preferred material for the manufacture of high-precision and complex components in the automotive industry.

In the production process of high-quality carbon structural steel cold-rolled steel strips, not only the mechanical properties should be tested, but also the non-destructive testing is needed. Non-destructive testing refers to depth, surface and eddy current testing, which can detect the quality of the surface and substrate to ensure that the material has good properties.

Overall, GB 3522-83 high-quality carbon structural steel cold-rolled steel strip is a kind of carbon steel material with good physical and mechanical properties. Its chemical composition and mechanical properties meet the requirements of GB/T 3522-83. This steel has good strength, plasticity, hardenability and torsion resistance, and is mainly used in automotive parts, hardware, furniture and other fields.

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