Bearing damage and countermeasures

Introduction The progress of modern technology and the development of modern industry have made rolling bearings widely used in many fields. Rolling bearing is one of the basic parts of modern machinery, and its stable operation plays an important role in industrial production, transportation and......


The progress of modern technology and the development of modern industry have made rolling bearings widely used in many fields. Rolling bearing is one of the basic parts of modern machinery, and its stable operation plays an important role in industrial production, transportation and other fields. However, due to improper operation and improper maintenance, the bearing damage often causes abnormalities in the unit, affecting the normal operation of the equipment and economic loss. Bearing damage is divided into corrosive damage, mechanical damage, fatigue damage, wear and tear and other types. In this paper, the common bearing damage and countermeasures are discussed in detail.

Types of Bearing Damage

1. Corrosive Damage

Corrosive damage of rolling bearing is an important reason for bearing damage. The corrosive damage is mainly caused by the corrosion of bearings due to weak acid, sea water, steam or liquid containing organic substances. Corrosive damage of bearings can cause severe wear and tear, fractures, pitting and other damage, which has a great impact on the performance and service life of bearings.

2. Mechanical Damage

Mechanical damage to rolling bearings is caused by external forces that exceed their allowable limits during installation, operation and storage, such as impact and vibration. The mechanical damage is mainly manifested in the damage caused by the non-uniform load applied to the bearing outer ring, the vibration force and the bearing chipping, etc. In addition, local fatigue caused by the expansion of bearing raceway deformation can also cause mechanical damage.

3. Fatigue Damage

The fatigue damage of the rolling bearing is mainly caused by the cyclic variable load or the combination of variable load and variable speed. With the development of fatigue damage, cracks will appear in the outer race, raceway and rolling element of the bearing, and the bearing will eventually fail. The fatigue damage is generally caused by improper installation of the bearing, incorrect matching of bearing with the object and improper matching clearance.

4. Wear and Tear

Wear and tear is the damage caused by the mechanical contact of the bearing and its accessories. The wear damage of bearing is manifested in the form of surface indentation, flatness or subsidence, or the mechanical material transfer through the surface contact between the bearing and the object.

Countermeasures Against Bearing Damage

1. Prevention of Corrosive Damage

The prevention of corrosive damage of rolling bearings should start from the strict selection of efficient anti rust oil and grease. Pay attention to the temperature, humidity, environment and maintenance of the equipment, regularly replenish lubricating oil and keep the working environment clean.

2. Prevention of Mechanical Damage

Do not subject the bearing to external force beyond its limit in the process of transporting and installation. The bearing parts should be transported and stored separately to prevent invalidization of bearing fit due to deformation caused by external force.

3. Prevention of Fatigue Damage

(1) Avoid developing fluid thin films between the inner and outer rings of the bearing and the shaft.

(2) Be sure to refer to the allowable range of load and speed for use when choosing the bearing model and loading the bearing. Please pay special attention that the preload of the bearing device should be avoided as far as possible so as not to cause bearing pre-damage and fatigue fracture of the bearing raceway.

(3) Pay attention to the maintenance and self-regulation of the bearing when it is used. After using the bearing for a certain period of time, do a routine bearing inspection and correct the parts that need to be corrected in time.

4. Avoid Wear and Tear

When using and maintaining the bearing, it is necessary to reduce the contact of the bearing and other objects and avoid collision or impact on the bearing through reasonable design or installation measures. In addition, during use and maintenance, attention should be paid to the temperature, humidity and the quality of lubricating oil and grease.


Rolling bearing damage is a common phenomenon, and improper operation or improper maintenance is often an important cause of bearing damage. According to the type of bearing damage, we can take effective preventive measures to ensure the smooth operation of the machine and extend the service life of the bearing.

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