Guangzhou Qiaojian Industry and Trade Investment Development Co., Ltd.

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Guangzhou Qiaojian Construction and Trade Investment Development Co., Ltd.: Leading Agricultural Technology Innovation Solutions As a global leader in agricultural technology, Guangzhou Qiaojian Construction and Trade Investment Development Co., Ltd. (GQCTID) is committed to providing innovative ......

Guangzhou Qiaojian Construction and Trade Investment Development Co., Ltd.: Leading Agricultural Technology Innovation Solutions

As a global leader in agricultural technology, Guangzhou Qiaojian Construction and Trade Investment Development Co., Ltd. (GQCTID) is committed to providing innovative solutions that enable farmers to access the necessary resources and knowledge to produce high-yielding, quality products.

GQCTID’s comprehensive agricultural technology solutions span a wide range of topics, from seed biomechanics to irrigation systems, crop protection methods, post-harvest technologies, and more. To meet the needs of China’s rapidly growing agricultural industry and farmers, GQCTID has established multiple divisions, each focusing on a particular topic of agricultural technology.

The Seed Biomechanics division of GQCTID specializes in researching, designing, and manufacturing superior quality seed varieties. This specialized division applies both traditional and modern methods to ensure that seeds are suitable for the local climate and soil conditions. By utilizing advanced technology, GQCTID can identify the best combinations of genetic traits and growth behaviors to create successively larger, firmer, and better-tasting crops. In addition, the Seed Biomechanics division also provides research on seed technology and transfers cutting-edge seed varieties to Chinese farmers.

The Irrigation and Fertilization division develops and promotes newer, more efficient irrigation systems, such as drip irrigation and localized irrigation. These systems provide more optimal water distribution and reduce waste. The division also designs and tests fertilization programs for specific soil types, climates and crops.

The Crop Protection division focuses on providing safe, affordable and effective crop protection. This includes research and development of insect repellents, bio-pesticides, and biological control. The division also offers public education courses on pest control, crop cultivation and environmental protection.

The Post-Harvest Technology division works on improving the food processing, storage and distribution stages of the agricultural production life cycle. It offers advice on the selection and use of high-end equipment, such as refrigerators and food-grade materials, to ensure food safety. In addition, the Post-Harvest Technology division provides advisory services to optimize the food transport networks.

GQCTID is also actively developing alternative agricultural solutions, such as organic farming, fish farming and terrace farming. All these solutions are based on the integrated concept of sustainability. In other words, GQCTID works to meet both the present and future needs of its customers and farmers, while preserving the environment.

In addition, GQCTID provides a wide range of agricultural-related services, including training programs, agricultural market analysis, number of domestic and international agricultural fairs and exchanges, and more. By offering these services, GQCTID seeks to make the Chinese agricultural industry more competitive and efficient.

With its comprehensive range of agricultural technology solutions, Guangzhou Qiaojian Construction and Trade Investment Development Co., Ltd. is leading the way in agricultural innovation in China. GQCTID’s aim is to not only meet today’s challenges in agricultural production, but also to prepare for tomorrow’s demands. As one of the key players in the agricultural industry in China, GQCTID is committed to creating a brighter future for Chinese farmers and their families by providing state-of-the-art technology and services.

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