Coke apparent relative density

Coal 188 1048 Jennifer

The relative density of coke and its importance Coke is a hard, porous and black solid material made from coal that has been heated to a very high temperature. It is formed when coal is heated in the absence of air, resulting in most of the volatile matter in the coal being driven off, reducing t......

The relative density of coke and its importance

Coke is a hard, porous and black solid material made from coal that has been heated to a very high temperature. It is formed when coal is heated in the absence of air, resulting in most of the volatile matter in the coal being driven off, reducing the carbon content and leaving behind a relatively hard, solid and uniform material. Coke is an important fuel, it is often blended with other fuels to create a more efficient fuel capable of generating large amounts of heat in a shorter period of time. A key characteristic of coke is its relative density.

The relative density of coke is an important property to consider when using the material as a fuel. Coke with a higher relative density means that the material is more compact, has fewer pockets of air, and will therefore burn more efficiently. A higher relative density also means that the coke is able to absorb and retain more of the heat generated from the burning process resulting in an even more efficient fuel source.

The general range of relative densities for coke can vary from 0.3 to 1.4 grams per cubic cm, with the exact amount varying depending on the grade of the coal used to make the coke. The higher the grade of the coal, the higher the relative density of the resulting coke, with anthracite coal generally having the highest relative density.

In addition to being used as a fuel source, coke can also be used in various applications such as iron and steel making, and as an ingredient in various chemical products such as dyes. In these industries, the absolute density of coke can be more important than the relative density, as the amount of coke required dictates the cost of the product.

Because of this, it is important to consider the relative density of coke when using it as a fuel. By using a higher grade of coal, it is possible to produce coke with a higher relative density, which will result in a more efficient fuel that is capable of generating higher levels of heat in a shorter period of time. This, in turn, will reduce the amount of fuel required, saving money on fuel costs and increasing the efficiency of the application.

In conclusion, the relative density of coke is an important factor to consider when using the material as a fuel. By using a higher grade of coal, it is possible to produce coke with a higher relative density, leading to increased efficiency and cost savings.

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